There is a light covering of snow on Taos Mountain and this very warm day has turned quite cold by the time the sun begins to set. From my car window I see neckless people with their collars up and their shoulders slightly hunched against the wind. It’s sleeveless weather during the day, but the temperature drops 50 degrees by evening in this high-rise city, and many of those still outside are caught naked even though they know it happens every day this time of year. . I park the car, get out and whoosh! — the wind has its own design in mind for my hair.

I used to lament my fine hair, so fine it barely covers my scalp. But since I’ve been practicing age reversal techniques, I’ve changed how I feel about my hair and every other part of my body. I know that loving who I am and how I look and feel right now is an essential part of this process.

I AM getting younger and you can too, aligning with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is always working. Your thoughts about any part of your body will attract more of the same: looks you like or looks you don’t like.

Your thoughts and beliefs actually create matter. This may be hard to accept, but there is hard science to help us understand all of this. It is quantum physics, which is the study of the building blocks of the universe. Your body is made of tissue, organs and bones, which are made of cells, which are made of molecules. Molecules are made up of atoms, which are made up of subatomic particles like electrons.

I say “particles” but the subatomic world, which is the world of quantum physics, is not made of subatomic “particles” in the same way that a speck of dirt is a particle. These subatomic particles are energy. This energy exists as a wave, until you observe it, and then it becomes a particle. But if you stop observing this energy, it becomes a wave again. This is why double-blind research tests are used: the observation of the scientist can influence the outcome of the research.

So it is your observation, your attention, your intention, that literally creates what you see around you and literally creates you, your body. This is a participatory universe, in which your consciousness participates in the creation of everything.

Quantum physics is fascinating, but I’m not a scientist, so if you want to learn more about the science of manifestation, check out Dr. Bruce Lipton’s or Gregg Braden’s website. They will give you the science, but in plain language, of how it all works.

If you manage to love who you are and how you look right now, then youth will be drawn to you much faster. But if you can’t truly love yourself, at least accept yourself as you are. Instead of criticizing your hair, your skin, your legs, your butt, occupy your conscious mind with words of love. You will be surprised at the difference it will make after this becomes a habit.

Talk to your body. Practice Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian system of healing and manifestation that Joe Vitale talks about in his book Zero Limits. An essential part of Ho’oponopono is repeating throughout the day, every day: “I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

Here’s an example of how I talk to parts of my body: “I love you, legs. Please forgive me for the times I criticized you for the way you look or feel. Thank you for carrying me. Thank you for helping me balance.” Thank you for helping me walk up and down stairs without consciously thinking about it. You’re wonderful, legs. I love you, legs.” Try it. Do this while bathing or rubbing lotion on your body, if that sounds like a more appropriate way to start.

When you practice the Law of Attraction techniques for youth, including loving yourself as you are now, the change will begin within you. As you continue to expand your consciousness and continually fill yourself with love, you too will glow on the outside with radiant beauty.

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