If your proudly bald dome is prone to flaking, oiliness, blemishes, or just in need of a good invigorating scrub, you can always consider making a sugar scrub. Exfoliating, moisturizing and stimulating for the skin, you can use it in the shower on the head, face and body. For a bald head, it provides a deep clean before shaving and a good polish afterward. You can’t imagine how soft, smooth and shiny it can leave your bald head.

A sugar scrub is mostly regular white table sugar. Put some in an airtight container and add some glycerin and oil. The oil can be sweet almond, apricot kernel, jojoba, or just the olive or grapeseed oil in your kitchen. Don’t worry too much about the amounts. Just use a little more oil than glycerin, and use just enough to make a thick paste that is slightly crumbly. It is a sugar scrub and you can use it as is, but it is better if you add some other ingredients to it.

You can add some vitamin E oil, which can be easily obtained in a bottle or by squeezing it out of a few vitamin E gel caps. Vitamin C crystals are another option.

A few drops of essential oil will give your sugar scrub a pleasant aroma, among other properties. You may want to combine aromatherapy with your scrub, enhance your scrub’s cleansing or moisturizing ability, and even make it slightly antiseptic. There really is no limit to the essential oil combinations you can try. Do some reading and ask for advice at your local health food store or wherever you get essential oils. Essential oils are quite powerful, and when using them, either alone or in combination, care must be taken to avoid unexpected skin reactions.

You can also add powdered spices, such as cinnamon or ginger, cocoa or whatever you like. These things can potentially make a mess when used, so it’s best to use them exclusively in the shower.

Store your sugar scrub in an airtight container and keep it dry. The oil will settle over time, but that’s easily fixed with a quick stir.

For a fantastic head wash, use your sugar scrub in the shower. After a quick rinse, turn off the water or get out from under, take a tablespoon of sugar scrub on your fingers and spread it on your head. Gently massage it into your scalp. Small circular motions work best and feel great. Be sure to wrap around your ears, the back of your neck, and the base of your skull. Any place where dirt tends to get trapped. The sugar will start to dissolve on its own after a couple of minutes. You will feel the oil covering your scalp. Just lather on top and enjoy one of the smoothest shaves you’ll ever have. After shaving, you can even rub your head a second time. Circular rubbing will not only feel good and stimulate your scalp, it will also help you find the rough spots that require a touch-up shave.

Wash your scalp with soap and water, towel dry, and finally run your hands over your deliciously silky-smooth head.

You will most likely want to take your time and be more thorough on that last step.

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