More and more people are finding a true cure for their back pain and sciatica by learning how to strengthen their back muscles and correct their posture. We approach all of our patients as an individual and prioritize first curing their back pain with the fastest method possible, whether that be manual techniques, soft tissue techniques, sports massage, nerve release, and joint mobilizations. But once the pain is stabilized, our priority is to show the patient how to maintain correct posture and then properly strengthen their back. This will speed up back pain relief, but it will also prevent back pain and sciatica from returning.

There is consistent research to support the use of back exercises to treat low back pain effectively. But the key is that they must be the “right” ones or they are ineffective.

Recently we have been getting excellent results for the treatment of lower back pain with kettlebells. More and more people are realizing the benefits of using kettlebells to help improve overall health and fitness. However, its use as a treatment technique for low back pain is relatively unknown. The reason for its success is that one of the kettlebell exercises known as the “swing” is one of the only safe ways to strengthen and condition the lower back muscles. The swing also mimics the daily movements of the lower extremities, making the exercise functional for daily life. Thus, the lower back muscles are not only strengthened; they become strong through the movements that most human beings make on a daily basis.

Many lower back strengthening exercises focus only on the lower back muscles, which can cause pain. During daily movements, the muscles work in combination with each other. This means that it is important to strengthen the entire trunk musculature along with the abdominal muscles and the gluteal muscles. Together, these muscles support and control movement of the spine. The swing is perfectly designed to work the muscles of the lower extremities while safely strengthening the muscles of the lower back.

Other ways to use kettlebells to treat lower back pain and sciatica include rotating side bends and the Turkish lift. Both engage most of the muscles in the body and for this reason train the back to be functionally strong. In general, someone with a strong back and a strong abdomen will not have back pain. It is vitally important for patients with back pain to exercise, get fit and learn the correct way to strengthen the spine. Time and time again we have seen patients who have seen “everyone” – chiropractors, surgeons, physical therapists and osteopaths without success – get complete pain relief by learning to use their trunk properly and strengthening their spine.

This approach allows to strengthen the body as a whole, which is safe, functional and highly effective. This approach works! And what’s more, since we’re building muscles and burning calories, it’s also one of the fastest ways to lose weight! Bonuses!

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