In the times we live in, the foremost thing on the minds of most Americans is all things financial. How much money did I lose? How am I going to survive now that I’ve lost my job? Where am I going to live now that I have lost my home? Wow! These are serious concerns! How the hell did so many people from one of the world’s wealthiest nations find so many of their citizens in this dilemma? What brought us here for God’s sake?

Well, in a word… awareness! Your conscience, my conscience… OUR conscience! Yes, for years we have lived in an awareness of fear and lack. This multiplied even more after September 11, 2001. In September 2008, seven years later, it was announced that the US financial system was seriously ill. Isn’t it curious that in Colin Tipping’s book Radical Forgiveness he states that all cancer is preceded by a depression that usually occurs about 7 years before the cancer diagnosis? In 2001 our country went into an emotional depression and now we are living with cancer-like results!

It is very important that we all wake up to the fact that our consciousness, both individually and collectively, creates the world in which we live. If we don’t learn to get out of negative thinking, we will continue to suffer these kinds of serious consequences.

Many of us think only about what we do NOT have. That gets us more of the same… not having! In the book of the Bible of Luke (19:26) it says: “For I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, and from those who do not have, even what they have will be taken away.” (RSV) Why is that? It’s because the Bible is a story about man’s conscience and if our conscience led us to a state of lack in the first place, of course it will cause us to keep losing even what little we may have. This holds true for whatever lack we are experiencing, be it a job, a relationship, fun, time, friends… whatever. If you think all the time that you lack something, you will! God always says yes to whatever you believe!

We Americans spend a lot of time and energy focusing on our lack of security in 2001. How much more insecure can we be today than having our banking systems collapsing around us? Unemployment rates are rising and the media is spewing more fear over the airwaves than ever before in history! It is extremely challenging not to accept mass hysteria! It really feels like the sky is falling!

So what is the solution? How does one feel prosperous in times like these? We as individuals and as a people need to stop thinking about how “BAD” things are! As mentioned, we are still one of the richest countries in the world, despite the financial crisis! We have so much more than so many on Earth… even our homeless have access to food, shelter, and indoor plumbing if they choose in most cities. No, we don’t have all our problems solved and in fact many are suffering in the US, but our state of mind is the cause of these problems and changing it will be our only solution!

We must learn to think abundantly. You have to claim it, pronounce it and sing it to the heavens!! We are all made in the image and likeness of God, which means that we are all creators. We are given free will to create luxury or lack. God really doesn’t care since eventually we will all return to “It” one day. How we choose to spend our time on Earth is just that, our choice. God will not interfere, but being the Source of our supply, “It” will give us whatever we choose. We choose by our beliefs and our approach. Believe and reflect on what we cannot have or cannot do and, of course, we will not have and will not do. Believe and focus on what we can have and do and will have and will do! The election of President Barack Obama is a great example of what we can do when we collectively put our minds to something!

Now, from a different perspective, what is prosperity really? Is it a big house and a big car joined at the hip with big mortgages and big car notes? Or is it being prosperous to have fun with friends and family even in a smaller home? Is it rich and healthy food cooked at home? Or should it be a nice dinner in a 5-star restaurant?

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with having a wealthy lifestyle if you really enjoy it. I wonder what percentage of people feel so good working like crazy to keep everything they got. How many really like the hours they have to work? How many like work, politics and stress? If people were truly honest, are they happy? Are they at peace? Or do they just keep up a facade so no one knows how miserable they are?

Henry David Thoreau said that “the mass of men lead quiet lives of despair.” Many of the people I see at work are sad, alone, and in pain. They are not happy with their jobs, their spouses, their children, or their lives. Why do so many people, so many who claim to be “spiritual or of faith”, live like this? I think it’s because our families and society teach us early in life to hide our truths. We are afraid to admit that we don’t like what is going on in our lives for fear that we will be ostracized as “not good enough.” We have to keep up face, hide our true feelings in order to be accepted in the world. Is that prosperity? I do not think!

If you are in this category of people who are struggling (with or without “stuff”), stop now! Please undertake a sincere spiritual practice if you do not have one. Learn to meditate daily to connect with your Source and tap into the infinite power that is available to you. Also make sure to pray without ceasing! Talk to God, your angels, your ancestors, your guardians and your guides! They really are there and just want to help, but they won’t do it without your permission. Practice gratitude, forgiveness, and self-love with abandon! Begin now to trust your Higher Self. Talk to him every day and give him permission to take control of your life.

Give up all blame and stop complaining! You can actually do that! Try it!! Forgive everyone… radically! Practice loving and honoring the divinity in everyone you meet and interact with. Decide what would make you happy and do whatever it takes to create that world for yourself. Know that the power is within you and you must be aware of that with every step you take! If necessary, fake it until you make it and don’t hesitate to ask for support along the way.

Don’t settle for society’s stress-filled idea of ​​prosperity! Define it yourself and go for it! Turn off the TV news and start enjoying your life again. You get what you focus on, so focus on the good. Focus on God. Focus on love and move away from fear.

If you see your friends focusing on lack and living their own quiet lives of despair, tell them your truth. Share with them your intention to change their life, and it will give them the permission some people need to do the same. Then, one by one, we’ll hold hands and change our minds about what defines prosperity. We will stop living in fear of loss, appreciate all that has already been given to us, and begin to share our love and resources. Did you know that in this world there is enough food to feed every hungry person on the planet with plenty to spare? If we stopped grabbing and hoarding and started operating from a mindset that says there is enough to go around, then there would be!

Help another person feel safe and you will be telling your subconscious that you are safe. That’s what prosperity is to me, feeling safe, secure… warm and happy. If we start bonding with each other… sharing our resources, money, food, housing, our warmth and our love, how can we not feel prosperous?

You can pass. We can all make this world a happy, safe and prosperous place. Your spiritual self knows what to do. Will you listen?

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