There is a persistent myth that humans use only ten percent of our brains (not true). When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I prefer to popularize the notion that our bodies are only ten percent of the problem, the rest is in the mind. As you try to discipline yourself into a consistent exercise routine, consider the following:

keep moving

We all like to relax, but light to moderate physical activity combats that feeling of lightheadedness rather than sitting still. Although it may seem like a paradox, the body will continue to burn calories after a period of physical activity: a recent study observed an increase in calorie burning over a period of 14 hours after a morning workout of only 45 minutes. This increased cellular activity can translate into a greater sense of alertness.

You can take advantage of this advice at work. If your job allows, eat and drink at your desk and use your coffee or lunch breaks to move around. Follow cues from your environment: If you work in a high-rise complex, use the stairwell; if “urban spray” best describes your location, take a walk around the building. These sessions will not only contribute to your overall fitness goal, but will also help avoid the dreaded post-lunch drowsiness that has ruined so many good afternoons.

positive association

Whether working out at the gym, in the neighborhood, or even in the privacy of one’s own home, exercise routines, especially new ones, tend to draw attention to everything we find uncomfortable about ourselves. Negotiating the shyness associated with exercise can be more challenging than the workout itself.

With that in mind, strive to create a positive exercise environment; add something fun to the routine. Sometimes something as simple as a playlist and a well-built pair of headphones can make all the difference. If you are more visually stimulated, incorporate reading into your stationery exercises. Turn your bike route into a mini tour of the neighborhood.

If four-count reps and poor diagrams on hydraulic machines aren’t your style, fitness can be found in plenty of other places, too. Consider ballroom dancing or martial arts; host a game of volleyball or baseball, whatever it takes to make it fun.

Geek culture to the rescue

The current generation of motion-based game consoles, and the accompanying explosion of the “casual gaming” market, has helped end the teenage monopoly on video games and brought exercise into the living room. Combine that with the recent record-breaking heat waves and the rise in urban pollution, and suddenly the ridiculous becomes reasonable: now one can say to kids “What are you doing hanging around outside? Come in here and do some fun!” exercise!”

Achievement unlocked

Speaking of casual games. If you or a friend have ever been captivated by one (watering my crops, anyone?), you’ve seen one of the secrets to motivation: an achievement system. What you may not have realized is that it also works for exercise.

For any lifestyle change, the importance of setting reasonable goals cannot be overstated. A unique challenge for fitness is that, unlike taking an art class or renovating the bathroom, the need to exercise doesn’t end. Even reaching your goals, whether it’s losing weight, keeping up with jogging, or lifting more weights, is a sign that you need to keep doing what you’re doing, not stop.

One goal is not enough. His brain wants merit badges, frequent but not entirely predictable achievements that signal progress. Invent some milestones; keep a list; share them with your friends and compete.

Here’s one to get you started– Over the course of a month, try to exercise at least once every day of the week. After that period, everything else will seem more possible.

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