Indoor cats simply don’t get enough exercise in their daily lives. The confines of the house do not allow for much physical activity apart from playful ones who love to play with toys frequently. Still, playing doesn’t provide enough exercise on its own.

If your cat is of the indoor variety, you may have always thought it would be impossible to walk your cat like you would a dog. While it makes sense that this activity would be good for your feline friend’s well-being, many cat owners simply assume that they would simply remove their collar and run. And this is exactly what would happen if you didn’t do these walks the right way.

Indoor cats can be trained to enjoy an outdoor outing by using a leash and harness. You have to buy a cat harness because a normal cat collar is made so that the cat can get out of it, preventing it from getting hurt if it gets caught on a tree branch, or something else.

Choose a harness made specifically for cats and not dogs. It should have a figure 8 design. Harnesses, like collars, come in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and colors, with matching lightweight straps.

When you take your cat for a walk, don’t expect her to do the same things your dog does when she’s out for a walk. For example, a cat will not heal and will probably prefer to roam and explore more. If possible, let him do it, as he’ll get the most out of doing it his way. Along the way, be sure to offer your cat plenty of praise and treats to keep her focused on being good.

Never leave your cat tied up and unattended for too long. This leaves it vulnerable to attack by another animal. It could also end up suspended from a tree or something else, providing a scary moment for your pet.

Remember to be patient with your cat every time you take him out for a walk. Barking dogs, passing cars, or even other people can make your kitty tense and skittish at times, but the more often you take her for a walk, the more she’ll get used to it and learn to enjoy it. . In the end, your indoor cat will be in much better shape and health than one that lays in the house all day, every day.

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