If you have kids, you know they love water rides at theme parks. Parents always make a classic mistake about them. They look at the ride and think “well maybe if we get on we will be lucky and not get too wet.” LOL !!! Trust me, you will lose on that bet! You ALWAYS get very wet in water attractions, that’s what they are designed for.

So here are my tips and tricks for staying dry, your camera, and your shoes when you go for a water ride at a theme park. Let’s say you go to Disney and your kids want to go on a water ride. Okay, so go and buy those expensive raincoats that are sold right outside the water games. So now you will stay dry even if a wall of water rushes on you. BUT, you forget the most important part of your body.

Your feet! Think about it, you go out of the walk in dry clothes, but now you have soaked and wet sneakers and socks. So all the rest of the day you crush yourself in steaming, wet shoes, yuck! Your feet will get wet, trust me. Some attractions have compartments for storage, but do you really want to take off your shoes and socks right there?

This is where my tips come in for when you go to theme park water games. When you go to the parks, take a small backpack. Perhaps some members of your family will bring one to distribute most of it. Now inside those backpacks you have a pair of rubber sandals for each member that you picked up at any of those cheap gift shops – there’s one on every block where the theme parks are!

Also put an extra pair of socks for each person. There’s more you need to bring, but for this post I’m just talking about what you want for water games. Once you get to the waterfront, they all have small lockers that you can store things in. Get one, change your shoes and socks and put on your sandals, then lock your things. Leave your cameras, purses, and wallet there too.

Now you can go on the theme park water ride and not worry about things getting wet except for your clothes drying in the Florida sun. Once you get off, go to the bathrooms and dry what you can. Then, put on your socks and shoes, and now your feet are really dry, good! Wait, some of the sandal lovers might be thinking.

Why not wear sandals all day, so you don’t even need to wear shoes? You will NOT want to wear sandals all day walking around the theme park. The pavement gets very hot and you walk a lot. One of the most common complaints is blisters from people who wear sandals. Plus, they fly on their feet on open-bottomed roller coasters!

So, wear sneakers that have thick soles and socks that you can change to feel better in the middle of the day. Carry sandals in a backpack, maybe small towels if you like too. Your feet will thank you at the end of the day, trust me. And remember that while you watch that ride your kids want to go on, you will get wet!

Almost all theme parks have great water rides that are fun. Taking my advice will ensure you have a good time and don’t have sore, wet feet or water damaged cameras. Have fun at the theme parks and stay dry!

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