Have you ever tried to stop thinking? You know this is impossible and there is a reason for it. There is a power that flows to and through you and it never stops. You can call the power whatever you want.

For some it is energy, for others it is spirit, but that is not important. The important thing here is to be aware of the fact that this power is passing through your mind and has no form whatsoever. It is the mind that forms the power of any image of the mind.

Now, what does this mean and how to understand this forgotten law?

This means that there is an infinite supply of substance flowing to and through you. And you have the power and the freedom to shape this power however you want.

But it also means that you and only you are responsible for your results. If you look back and you don’t like what you see then you know that you will have to change the cause of everything and that is your thought.

We call the law of thought the forgotten law, but this is only because most people are unaware of the power they have over any situation in their lives. And that’s because they have the ability, the power, and the freedom to think what they want to think, and by doing so, control their lives.

It may not be so easy to control your thinking and therefore control your life, but you can be sure of one thing. And it is that you have the power to do it, otherwise you would not have that option.

So if you are questioning your ability to change your life by changing the way you think, don’t. Because everyone has that ability and that power. If you need more help than the other person, which is possible, then you will attract them. You will get that help, that book, that person, that recording.

To learn more about the forgotten law, the law of thought, and how to control your thinking, get your FREE pass to the teleseminar interview with Bob Proctor by clicking the link.

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