It’s the middle of summer, and I bet you’ve heard endless warnings about sun exposure. Stay out of the sun for long periods of time. Avoid the sun during its peak hours. Wear plenty of sunscreen when you go out. The litany goes on and on. The dangers of irresponsible sun exposure are real… but they are also misunderstood

It’s true that repeated sunburns contribute to skin cancer, but not the type of skin cancer you think. Sunburns can lead to the most common forms of skin cancer: basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas. These are superficial cancers, which means they don’t spread easily within your body. They are also easy to treat when you catch them early.

The type of cancer you think of when someone says skin cancer is melanoma. This is much more serious. Melanoma can spread throughout the body and be very deadly. But the link between sun exposure and melanoma is tenuous.

There is evidence that sunburn increases the risk of melanoma. But there’s also evidence that sun exposure without sunburn will actually reduce your risks.

For example, in one study, researchers found that people whose jobs require regular sun exposure are less likely to develop melanoma than those who do not get sun exposure as part of their jobs. (one)

In another study, researchers found that people with melanoma had a better chance of survival if they spent more time in the sun. (2)

As you can see, the connection between sun exposure and melanoma is more complicated than the simple “sun is bad” mantra you hear from most dermatologists.

The two best ways to protect yourself from melanoma are to understand what responsible sun exposure means and to know how to recognize melanoma in its early stages – early treatment is key to survival.

Know the skin you’re in

First of all, these are the keys to healthy sun exposure:

Get some sun exposure without sunscreen each week to boost your vitamin D levels.

Protect your skin from burns by covering it up, seeking shade, or using a safe sunscreen with zinc oxide as the active ingredient.

Do not expose yourself to the sun for prolonged periods without taking measures to protect your skin.

Take 1 gram of vitamin C before bed if you burn; it will help your body prevent lasting skin damage.

Have a therapeutic lotion handy in case of sunburn; my favorite is the pure aloe vera jelly.

Below, here are the ABC’s of recognizing melanoma in its early stages.

A. Asymmetrical appearance: Pay attention to moles that do not have a symmetrical shape. This is a warning that something could be wrong.

B. Border Irregularity: Moles that have a rough or uneven edge may be cancerous or endangered or may become cancerous.

C. Color Variation: A healthy mole is usually a uniform color. Cancerous moles often have color variations within the mole, ranging from white to red to black to brown.

D.Diameter: Worry about any mole larger than a pencil eraser.

E. Elevation Change: Most healthy moles will not change at all, while a cancerous mole may change from a flat mole to a raised one or may grow in size.

If you have two or more of these ABC’s in a single mole, it’s time to make an appointment with your dermatologist. You can save your life.

in good health,

Dr Jay Brachfeld

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