Metal or tile roof; Which one will there be? There are plenty of good reasons to choose either one. You should ask yourself exactly what you want in a roof for your home, what is most appropriate for your location, and how much your budget will allow you to spend on your roof.

A metal or tile roof can come in a variety of styles and colors and are very popular options. Both also adapt to any style of architecture. They are also cost-effective solutions, each in their own way. Finally, both offer an ecological footprint, by using a certain amount of recycled materials in their manufacture. However, this is more or less where the similarities between the two end.

roof data

  • Most shingles have a useful life of 15 to 30 years, depending on their quality. Metal can last 50 years and more. These facts are reflected in the warranties you get.
  • Metal can be crafted to resemble roof tiles, clay, or stone in addition to its usual blade shape. It also comes in many different textures and patterns. Tiles do not have these capabilities.
  • Won’t crack, shrink or erode like shingles.
  • The metal is capable of withstanding hail, high winds of around 140 mph, and heavy snow loads, where shingles would surely fail or sustain serious damage.
  • It is fire resistant, sparks cannot set it on fire.
  • Metal roofs save up to 40% and more per year on energy costs. Shingles do not have energy saving benefits.
  • Roofing actually increases the value of your home and shingles do not.
  • The percentage of recycled materials in metal roofing is much higher than the percentage in shingles.
  • Metal roofing does not contain petroleum products, the main ingredient in asphalt shingles.
  • Its roofing lasts so long that it doesn’t overflow into landfills like debris from tile roofs. This also means that metal roofs do not share the use of fuel to remove the shingles.
  • Tile roofs weigh twice as much as metal roofs.
  • Metal roofs are initially more expensive to purchase, but their energy efficiency and long life actually make them less expensive in the long run.
  • The roofs are easily placed over shingled roofs, which might have to be ripped out and discarded to accommodate a new shingled roof.

If you are currently researching roofing options, or think you will be in the near future, keep these facts in mind. While shingles may be cheaper to purchase, the advantages of metal roofing cannot be denied. The fact is that more and more people are choosing to replace shingles with metal roofing. It has also become more common than ever to find metal roofing on newly built homes. After all, people have been using metal roofing for 2,000 years, so when it comes to a metal or tile roof, which one will you choose?

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