When I first learned about the specific things we can do to have healthy skin, I realized little of the benefit of skin brushing. So I bought a brush and would brush my skin from time to time in the bathroom. I wasn’t overly committed to doing it, which translated meant I didn’t really think the benefit was worth my time and effort.

That is no longer true. I now allow time to brush my dry skin every day right before I shower. The reason it is now part of my personal wellness program is because I have learned the benefits and I believe they are true.

The skin, the largest organ in the body, is responsible for 1/4 of the body’s detoxification every day. In fact, it removes two pounds of acid waste a day. When the blood is full of toxic materials, it is the skin that will show it first. The skin is the last to receive the nutrients it needs, but the first to show signs of imbalance or deficiency!

All of that information was enough to make me cross the line of head knowledge about it (believing those are nice facts) and heart knowledge (actually choosing to incorporate skin brushing into my daily routine to reap the health benefits ).

These are the benefits of skin brushing that I have learned:

1. Helps the body to eliminate cellulite.

2. Helps tighten the skin.

3. It works wonders when you’re losing weight (or have lost weight and now have sagging skin).

4. Eliminates dead cells, thus improving skin texture and cell renewal.

5. Stimulates blood flow to the skin, which in turn helps the body get rid of waste.

6. It helps the body to detox even better when alfalfa supplements are taken along with skin brushing.

7. Rejuvenates the nervous system by stimulating nerve endings.

8. Clears clogged pores so skin can better absorb nutrients.

Do you want to know how to start? Purchase a stiff, natural body brush. If you find it too firm on dry skin, start with it wet and soapy in the shower or bath. Once the skin gets stronger, switch to dry brushing. Dry skin brushing will give you a stronger stimulation that your skin needs. Use a prescribed sequence of hands, arms, chest, stomach. Then proceed to brush feet, legs, buttocks, remembering to always brush towards the heart with long movements. For certain specific areas (like upper thighs, stomach, buttocks) you can use circular motions, but always end with long motions.)

After I finish brushing, showering, and drying off, I finish my skin health treatment by infusing my skin with natural vitamins using my favorite body lotion. I don’t know about you, but I want to make sure my skin care reflects my commitment to a healthy body, and that now includes skin brushing.

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