You have decided that network marketing is the way to take control of your life. This is a wonderful first step toward financial success and securing your future. To get the most out of your new lifestyle, which will include working from home, you’ll want to take some time to organize your home office.

Not every part of your home may be quiet enough or have enough space for your office. Choosing the best area for your office is important. You want to choose a space that helps you avoid interruptions. If you have family, your office may need to be out of their reach. You may want to stay away from other distractions, such as the television or windows overlooking high levels of activity.

Personal space for your business needs privacy, light, and room for all the things you’ll add. It should also be comfortable, organized, and equipped to keep you motivated.

Your home office will need a few essential items. A desk, lamp or similar lighting, and a comfortable chair are important. Equally important are a computer, a printer, a fax machine, a scanner, a clock, a filing cabinet, and a telephone system.

A good quality phone system will pay dividends and should include a headset, flash button, mute, and preferably a speakerphone with mute.

Speed ​​dial and caller ID can also be very useful. A business cell phone will also keep you available while you’re away from your desk.

Call your local phone company and set up voice mail, three-way calling, and call waiting. Train yourself to use these tools effectively. You should also consider having two additional lines installed for your business phone and fax. Since you’ll probably be spending a lot of time on the phone, shop around for the best long distance deals. And make sure your phone’s voicemail message is professional and energetic.

You need to keep a calendar for appointments and find a way to keep track of your work and prospects. Purchase a 3-ring binder, pocket folder, or another method to keep all your information (contact numbers, company documents, etc.) accessible and organized.

Also remember to have a supply of printer paper, ink cartridges, blank disks or CDs on hand to store data. There’s nothing worse than running out of these essentials when you’re busy.

You should also keep your motivational tools close at hand, such as your journal, CD, and DVD, along with your short-term and long-term goals. Motivational elements like goal lists and a description of your dream day work wonders when boldly posted around your office. Sometimes light classical music to keep you company while you work really helps.

Remember that these recommendations are to help you with your success; however, success is achieved from within, not with tools and gadgets. These suggestions are to ease your workload and improve your efficiency. You have the real power to take control of your life and make your dreams come true.

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