The elderberry bug is a lesser-known pest that is often mistaken for a beetle. Although elder bugs are harmless and cause no damage to your home, they can be a nuisance and are difficult to get rid of using regular pest control measures. Proactive pest prevention is the best way to keep your home free of these pests.

How to detect the Box Elder error

Elder box bugs grow up to half an inch in length during their adulthood. The elder insect is usually black with three red stripes on the thorax and red veins on the wings. It can be distinguished from the beetle by the appearance of its young, or nymphs, which are bright red and smaller than beetles.

They feed on soft plant matter such as leaves, flowers, and new twigs, and can be commonly found on elder, maple, and ash trees. During the fall, they migrate from their summer feeding habitat to the sides of houses and other structures that receive a large amount of sunlight. They often return to the same location seasonally, with their population increasing each time. In fact, they can grow so large that the entire wall of your house or fence can be completely covered by them.

Through cracks and other tiny openings, they find their way inside the house and nest in the walls during the colder months.

Elderly box at home

Box elder bugs seek refuge in your home through cracks and crevices in walls, doorways, and under and around the foundation, usually on southern and western exposures. They hibernate during cold weather, remaining active within walls; however, heating systems can revive them and cause them to reach the inhabited parts of the house.

They don’t feed on anything inside your house, and they don’t breed there either. However, they can leave fecal stains on upholstery and emit a foul odor when crushed.

Pest Control for Box Elder Insects

Once these pests move into your home, regular pest control methods are usually ineffective in eliminating them. The best way to control these pests is to keep their populations low during the summer and fall, and to use environmentally friendly pest control techniques to prevent them from entering your home.

Pest prevention methods for these insects include:

— Remove nearby maple and elder trees, and plant different types of trees along the west and south facing sides of your home. Without a nearby food source or breeding ground, they will have no business coming into your home.

— Seal around windows and doors, and repair broken windows or doors to keep them out of your home.

— Apply weatherstripping to doors and seal any other cracks as much as possible. A green pest control company can help with this.

— Hire a pest control service to apply a residual insecticide to exterior walls where they congregate. This deters them from landing and entering your home.

If you find them indoors, be aware that crushing them will give off an unpleasant odor and may stain your walls or upholstery. Instead, use a vacuum to remove them from cracks and crevices. You can also kill them by spraying them with a diluted mixture of soap and water. Cleaning areas where they congregate with a citrus-based disinfectant can also help deter them.

Because they don’t breed indoors, box elder bugs don’t actually infest your home, but living with them can be unpleasant. While it’s not easy to evict these squatters, a green pest control service that takes a holistic approach and emphasizes pest prevention can help keep them out of your home.

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