It’s no wonder blood makes you kin, but loyalty makes you family. Growing up, I always saw all my relatives tear each other apart or take sides instead of sticking together. And I’m sure many of you can relate to this. So, I realized a long time ago that I had to build my own circle.

Do you have relatives you rarely talk to or hardly ever see? Why is loyalty more important than family? Can you trust the people who are firmly involved in your life? Do you have friends who understand your goals and are there when you need them most?

As a child, you are taught that no matter what happens, you always have to choose your family first. But then, over the years, you realize that the people who cause you the most pain are not the ones you don’t know, but the ones you often trust the most. All blood does is tie them together, but it’s loyalty that makes a royal family.

If I could give just one suggestion before proceeding, it is to always trust your instincts. So if he feels something is wrong, he usually does. And if I decided to talk about this topic today it is because, over the years, I realize that my blood family was never there for me, but some friends were and still are.

family concepts
The idea of ​​a family can be interpreted in many different ways. It can range from your parents who gave you life, to your brothers and sisters, to all other blood relatives. But it can also be defined as your close friends. It’s the people in your life who inspire you to be better and usually care about what happens to you.

So the true definition of family is considered ‘loyalty’. These people take care of you when the chips are low. They’re ready to fight by your side or when you can’t, and they’re prepared to take the heat if the world is against you. Your closest people, your most precious people are what the concept of family is all about.

And yes, they can be friends, comrades, blood relatives, in-laws, and the like. It is your choice, your life, as long as they are with you always. You and your relatives are connected by blood, but it does not always mean trust, love and loyalty. And sometimes such feelings, when they occur, may not even be real.

Blood vs Loyalty
The people who comfort you when others knock you down, the people who save your life, even at the risk of losing your own, and the friends who lend you a helping hand, are your family. Blood can make someone a relative, but that doesn’t mean he cares. A family is not always what you think.

So the original definition of a family no longer applies today. You should never feel bad or have to explain why you choose loyalty over blood relatives sometimes. There is no need for excuses if you want to get people out of your life who do not treat you as you deserve.

As a result, a real family includes friends, real friends, even if they are not related. They are the ones who stand by your side when the rest of the world falls apart. These people support you in your struggles and help you get up. And they don’t judge you or turn their backs on you, even if they think you’re a little crazy or disagree with you all the time.

A family is what you make
Therefore, just like loyalty, a family has to be like a rock. I never had the best father, brother or really loving relatives. There were only two relatives that counted for me in my life, and those were my mother and my grandfather. The rest treated me like trash, drove me crazy and considered me a complete stranger after 30 years living around the world.

While living in the US, my wealth grew steadily, so my brother or aunt contacted me for help when they had financial problems. I gladly helped, even if I didn’t hear from them for years. But then one day I got into a fight and needed help, but when I was called, none of my blood relatives answered.

So just because you’re my relative doesn’t mean you’re my family. I was considered the black sheep just because I dared to think outside the box. It’s not acceptable for people to disappear when your life isn’t going their way, and then reappear when you’re doing the things they think are great. A family is what you make of it, so choose wisely.

fake family and friends
Some people claim to be one thing and actually are another. When given the opportunity to stand up and show what they say they are, they run the other way or do the complete opposite. The people I can count on in this world, I can total them on the one hand. It takes courage to be loyal!

“Fake friends are like shadows. They follow you when you walk in the sun, but they leave you once you’re in the dark.” – Unknown

A true family is a small group of people who fight with you when you go through the darkness of life and love you no matter what. When the world turns against you, loyalty stands by your side and helps you overcome life’s mistakes. And let’s not forget that these are the best people to celebrate existence too.

Loyalty makes you family
If you’re like me, some people will be the most loyal friends you’ll ever have. The true family is made to build you up and not to tear you down. They are there to support you in everything you do, even if they don’t always fully agree with your choices.

So if some people are always there and would go to the ends of the earth for you, show family. Blood does not play much importance, loyalty does. Just being there and being loyal makes you a part of what a family means.

And that is why loyalty plays an important role. Do what is right! You don’t want someone in your life just because you’re related. But he loves them because he’s built a relationship on a stronger foundation, and that’s more important than his last name.

My final word on family and loyalty
It is sad that disloyal family or friends now miss out on all the good things that are happening in my life and all the future events that are about to happen. I have forgiven them, but I will never forget them. Lesson learned!

So do the same, create your own fantastic family that never fails to make sure your well-being comes first. Create a circle of people who don’t turn their backs on you and who would do anything you need, just as you do the same for them. Those are the people you want in your life, and they are what you can call your family.

In the end, a family is not a title; it’s loyalty, love, trust, respect and trust and knowing without a doubt that some people will be there for you. So blood can make you related, but it shouldn’t mean anything to you. And positively it should not be defined as the only reason for being of a family.

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