Pets are a welcome addition to many people’s lives; however, not everyone can handle or wants the responsibility of large animals. Perhaps space is an issue, or cost, or time. For those who would enjoy a pet but whose concerns have restricted their purchase in the past, fish peace of mind could be the answer.

A well-maintained aquarium can bring hours of joy and entertainment to a home. But what is necessary to establish a stable environment for the fish, just a bowl and water? For most fish species, the answer is definitely “No.” To create and enjoy an aquarium, careful planning must anticipate any purchases of equipment or fish. Consider the size of the tank needed, the type of aquarium water pump, the size of the filter and if a water heater is necessary.

For aquarium success, proper circulation, along with filtration and lighting, is the foundation. Consider the natural environment of the water. It contains circulation and exchange of air, plant and microbial life, fish and constant changes of climatic conditions; it is a complete ecosystem, your home aquarium is not. Without proper circulation, your tank will fail.

The movement of the water is necessary because it creates movement on the surface. This movement allows oxygen to enter the water and lets waste gas (nitrogen) out. Water circulation is also an important part of stabilizing water conditions, such as temperature and salinity, where fluctuations can stress or kill fish. The heaters needed to produce more natural temperatures for your fish only affect one area of ​​your tank, the rest of the aquarium relies on circulation to distribute it evenly. Also, without an aquarium water pump, normal algae growth can become extraordinary. With the movement of water, this growth is removed at the surface (such as in ponds) and it becomes much more difficult for algae to take over other surfaces.

So how much water movement is needed? Depending on the size and type of your tank, industry standards state that you should multiply the number of gallons in your tank by the “turnover rate” for your fish species following the table below.

Tank type turnover rate
Freshwater tanks (small fish) 3-4 times per hour
Fresh water tanks with plants 2 times per hour
Freshwater tanks (big fish) 5-6 times per hour
Salt water tanks 5-7 times per hour
Saltwater reef 7-10+ times per hour

For example, with a 10 gallon freshwater fish tank and no live plants, you would need a GPH (gallon per hour) movement rate of 40 (10 gal X 4tr.)

There are many different types of aquarium filtration to consider. Aquarium water pumps can be internal or external and generally require a “drip” or wet/dry filtration system. Depending on your space and application needs, you can choose between submersible pumps that sit inside your tank and are relatively quiet and easy to install, or external/in-line pumps that are considerably noisier but higher horsepower. Electric heads are also available; These types of submersible pumps stick to the sides of your tank and create underwater currents.

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