Did you know that there are two types of fat around your abdomen that affect your health and appearance? If you want to lose belly fat, it’s a good idea to learn the types of fat and what can be done to correct this problem. The first is called subcutaneous fat which is found under the skin and the second is called visceral fat which is stored deep within the body around major organs. Each type of fat has a different function at a biological level.

Subcutaneous fat is not easily broken down for energy and requires the help of other body systems to do so. This is known as passive fat. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is active fat and will function similar to an organ. Visceral fat breaks down fatty acids and other substances that are metabolized by the liver. Visceral fat is the most visible fat and the fat that most people want to lose when they want to lose belly fat.

This visceral fat is also an indicator for having diabetes, as most experts say that your waist line should be no more than half your height or your chances of having diabetes are much higher. This visceral fat increases blood sugar and creates higher insulin levels. This also increases inflammation and can lead to diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. So, if you just want to lose belly fat to look good, you really need to do it for your health first, and flat stomach is just a bonus.

There are several factors that affect this. Diet is, of course, the number one culprit for excess body fat. However, low testosterone levels in men and low estrogen levels in women can also be a factor, along with genetics. So, to lose belly fat, you need to modify your calorie and carbohydrate intake to burn more than you consume. Stress can also be a factor as your body tends to release cortisol which increases your appetite and these factors combined with the high fat and high carbohydrate western diet sets you up to gain weight. To lose belly fat, start by limiting your intake of high-fat foods and high-calorie foods, such as all foods from fast food restaurants, pizza, all sweets, soft drinks, etc. This will put you on the right path to reduce this dangerous body fat. Of course, any aerobic exercise will help you burn more calories and relieve stress, which will help you lose belly fat.

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