My previous article went over some of the basic essentials of keyword research. However, if you really want to know some of the secrets on how to start an Internet business, read on. If you haven’t read my first article, I encourage you to do so to fully follow my strategy.

Here are a couple of methods you can use in your keyword research that will help you stand out from the competition.

Use questions as keywords. When doing your research, be aware of problems or questions web searchers may be asking to resolve a problem. For example, let’s look at a particular segment of the “Lawyer Search” niche.

Note: Since this is not a niche I use and in fairness to others involved, I will not reveal the actual keyword phrases. However, the numbers are the actual results of my research.

It’s a very competitive niche and, on the surface, it may seem too difficult to make it worth the effort. Using the standard methods, you will be able to find a keyword that gives you a very good chance of being successful in this niche.

“WXYZ WXYZ Lawyers” has almost 3,000 searches per month, but only 34,000 results on the Internet. Compare that to “XYZ Lawyers,” which has only 3 times the amount of searches at 9,000 but 10 times the amount of the competition at 334,000. “WXYZ WXYZ Lawyers” would be a very good option in this niche.

But now let’s use a question to solve a problem, for example “how to get xxx xx x xxx”. That phrase, although it receives 5 times less searches than “WXYZ WXYZ Lawyers”, with 600 per month, it has 340 times less competition, with only 92! Based on this data and with a little bit of effort, you could have an average of 20 daily visitors to your site who are targeting a specific problem, cha ching.

Use this method for your niche, think about the problems and how the questions would be asked. Use them as keywords and do the standard research.

Consider the use of misspelled words. Yes, it’s a fact of life that not everyone can spell perfectly, in fact, some people can’t. The result is that search engines rank these words like any other, while most internet marketers try to get everything perfect on their sites.

The result is that there are many opportunities waiting for someone to investigate and act. For example, a very popular phrase in the “Financial” niche would be an excellent opportunity.

Spelled correctly there are over 100,000 searches a month and 15 million results. But misspell just one of the words and you get a diamond in the rough, 7000+ searches per month and only 25,000 results.

Using these two methods could make a world of difference in your marketing efforts. Knowing how to use these keyword phrases in your campaign will be the subject of a future article, so stay tuned and best of luck.

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