What gives me the impression that you are here is because you are concerned that you may have an abnormal vagina or you know someone who does (girlfriend). Before we continue, let’s put you out of your misery. There is no such thing as an abnormal vagina. Abnormal is a word that refers to something that is not considered “usual”, look at the way I evaded the word “normal” and used habitual because the same thing applies. What is meant here is that the vagina may look different (not abnormal), that is all. So no, you don’t have an abnormal vagina, but maybe one that is different.

What should be your concern is having a healthy vagina. Think about it; look at women with different face shapes, body size, and hair color, which of these are considered normal “none” because that is how we are all born with differences. However, if you are not convinced by the facts and still worry, let us explain using the words normal and abnormal.

Unless your vagina becomes a penis, this is not accepted as normal. What is normal when you see some people change their gender by choosing penis over vagina? How can the vagina be perfect with the foreskin?

The chances that your vagina will be different from the next woman are very slim. The differences only occur if the pubic hair is dyed or shaved. Keep your vagina healthy for peace of mind. Poor genital hygiene causes other vaginal problems. The general health of the whole body will go a long way in keeping the vagina in good condition. Bathing is important to deal with the buildup of sweat and fatty oils from the skin around the genitals that can lead to vaginal infections and odour. Some women find this advice somewhat misleading as to what the best solution is because too much bathing is not good and less bathing is not good either. Only you know when soap and water is needed. There is no need to try very hard because the vagina is a self-cleaning organ and it is also odorless. If your vagina smells bad, it’s caused by more than just the vagina itself. More women think they are doing themselves a favor by showering, well not you. While a shower removes “little” bad bacteria, it removes more good bacteria at the same time. Douching can cause inflammation (vaginitis).

If you are sexually active, use condoms because they also help keep the vagina clean. Condom use is necessary to prevent an unwanted pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease. If you have genital discomfort, if possible, wear a commando style (no panties). If this suggestion makes you nervous, avoid nylon material, no matter how sexy thong or other, go for cotton briefs. The vagina/anus needs room to breathe, so leave it. Women experience vaginal odor at the time of menstruation, the solution is to remove regular sanitary protection (tampons and sanitary napkins).

There’s a lot of debate about what the “perfect vagina” is. and the discussion is usually fought between the women themselves. In my opinion, a perfect vagina is healthy. Each woman differs a lot, that is to say shape and size and that is why the vagina is affected, that is to say, if you are fat then the vagina looks spaced out and wide too but this does not insinuate that the vaginal entrance is large. In fact, a large woman’s vagina may be narrower than a skinny woman’s.

A healthy vagina is as clean and pure as a carton of yogurt, says Dr. Hillier of Magee-Woman Hospital in Pittsburgh. The vagina is by no means dirty as some would like. A healthy vagina is a self-regulating system and you’d think it’s cleaner than your mouth and butt. The vaginal ecosystem is a joint beneficial association between the vagina itself and the microorganisms that exist here. The vagina is full of bacteria, however it takes everything good and destroys the bad bacteria outside of the reproductive system. The good bacteria known as lactobacilli are the same organisms found in yogurt. In a healthy vagina, these lactobacilli maintain an acidic environment, around pH 3.8 to 4.5.

Vaginal mucus is not a very nice word, but it is used and appropriate to help with vaginal explanations. Vaginal mucus is “composed of and similar to the stuff found in blood serum, the lucid, thin, sticky fluid that remains when solid blood components, such as clots, break apart. Vaginal discharge consists of water , albumin, the most abundant protein in the human body – a few stray white blood cells, and mucin, the oily stuff that gives the vagina and cervix their greasy shine. The discharge is not a toxic waste product of the body in the sense of urine and feces.

Is the vagina abnormal because it smells, certainly not? However, a healthy vagina will have a “light” odor, but if “light” turns strong (fishy odor), this is usually a sign that the delicate balance has been upset and the lactobacilli are not doing the job they should. .

If the balance in the vagina is disturbed, it can cause the vaginal infection “bacterial vaginosis.”

Sufficient bathing of the outer part of the vagina “labia” should be done twice a day with cold water. Cold is better because the genitals are already moist and warm, which is a problem for allowing bacteria to grow. Scented products can cause vaginal yeast infection. Pelvic infections can lead to vaginosis. Candida is a condition in which the vagina becomes too alkaline, caused mainly by diet, oral contraceptives, and even stress. Pregnancy and the resulting change in hormone levels can cause thrush. Antibiotics, although administered to cure and heal along with oral contraceptives, can cause vaginosis. Low levels of lactobacilli leave particular women more susceptible to infections because they may have fewer robust lactobacilli. How to maintain a healthy vagina

Forget cleaning the inside of the vagina, it is not necessary. Your vagina will not be less healthy if you don’t do this. The vagina is rinsed regularly. Avoid particular soaps because they can alter the natural balance of substances. You are at risk of developing a vaginal infection due to misuse of a specific product. Don’t shower. The only exception to this rule that may be acceptable for douching is if you are trying to conceive or trying to alter the pH of your vagina for the greater good. Do it as little as possible and increase the amount of lactobacilli in your diet. Add yogurt to your daily diet or take acidophilus tablets. Consult with your physician regarding pregnancy-related issues and suggested medications.

Use condoms to keep the vagina clean and healthy and to protect against unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

Wear cotton underwear to allow good airflow.

Avoid using perfumes/sprays around the genitals.

The way to prevent excess bacteria from building up around the vagina/urethra is to change the motion when wiping after a bowel movement Wipe from front to back. Clean the anus last as contamination can otherwise spread. Vaginal discharge is a necessary part of regular body function, however, if it shows differently, get it checked. If the change in discharge is caused by an infection, soap and water will not cure it, you will need antibiotics. Vaginal discharge is normally clear to white; changes in consistency and color are signals to call your GP. Change the tissue to clean the vagina after urination with a damp cloth. Using tissue tends to give a quick cleanup, while using a cloth urges the person to wash.

Good cleaning will reduce the chances of urinary tract infections (UTIs) from occurring.

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