Wrestling is one of the toughest sports of all time. It requires certain attributes that most other sports do not. Here is a list of qualities you must acquire to be at the top of your game:

-fast speed
-fast reaction time
-strong core (no fighter needs to be a bodybuilder, it’s all about the core!)
-mentally strong (never let your opponent see you weakened)

That’s just a short list of the attributes that make a fighter great. Some children get these traits naturally through good genes, or just a gift at birth, while others have to earn them. Here are some ways you can acquire these attributes:

– by speed:
Running, sprinting, leg training, and best of all, plyometrics.
-for reaction time/agility:
plyometrics, shadow wrestling
strong core-
abdominal training, core lifting (upper chest to knees is considered core)
-for mental strength:
Yoga is probably the best thing out there for clearing the mind and helping mental toughness. It is a very hard excess and if done well it will help your mentality.
dedication is simply how badly you want to achieve your goals.

With these tips, I think you can achieve your goals, but I will also write an example exercise plan for pre-season training.

-Morning run 3 miles
-chest lift:
flat bench press
incline bench press
dumbbell fly
200 push-ups, incline and decline
Ab and leg lifts, v-ups, pulse ups and mason twist 200 reps total
1.5 mile night run (sprints)

-Morning run 3 miles
– Leg lift:
leg press
Barbell step ups or weighted vertical jumps
Squat machine or squat trick
calf raises
night stretch


morning run 3 miles
elevator back in the afternoon:
lat pull downs
t-bar rows
dead weight
dumbbell rows
folded over rows

night to run

3 mile morning run
afternoon shrugging shoulders:
military press
front raises
side raises
tall sweaters
He shrugs

night sprint


Sunday: OFF

This workout allows your body the recovery time it needs, along with the essential body parts that are being worked on. Like any exercise, you should check with your doctor or physician to make sure you can do this exercise.

The other issue wrestlers face is definitely the weight loss part. But in this case, this is a PRE-season workout, so I recommend high protein, with moderate complex carbs for energy. Stick with the vegetables and fruits!

Thanks for reading this article!

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