If you drink coffee, smoke, or eat staining foods, you will stain your teeth. Over the years, this will make your teeth look dark, dirty, and less attractive. Adding years to your smile. But there are ways to get whiter teeth and simple tricks you can do to make your smile brighter.

First of all, it’s important to understand that if you continue to eat and drink the same foods and drinks that caused your teeth to darken, even after you have the whiter smile you want, your teeth will return to staining and discoloration. . So you may need to discontinue these clothes or just keep up with your teeth whitening maintenance.

To whiten your teeth, you’ll want to try over-the-counter teeth whiteners. These can be purchased in stores or some companies even offer trial versions online. These vary in strength and application methods. Some use strips that are infused with whitening agents, while others use a gel that is placed in a mouth tray and then applied to the teeth. Plus, there are brush pens and whiteners that work great for light stains or whitening maintenance. Depending on your goals and tolerance level, you’ll need to decide which method will work best for whiter teeth.

But, if even after using these teeth whitening products, you still can’t achieve the whiteness you want, you can do some simple tricks that will make your smile look brighter.

  1. Replace by filling your own. If you’re like me, you probably have more silver fillings in your mouth than you care to admit. Fortunately, you now have a choice and you can get a tooth-colored filling that blends in with your teeth. And if you choose to do this, just start with your bottom teeth, as these are most visible when you speak.
  2. Practice good oral hygiene. Brush and floss at least twice a day. Not only will this remove food particles, remove surface stains, and help prevent cavities, but it will also keep your gums healthy and pink, while reducing the chances of gingivitis.
  3. Wear a bright lipstick. If your teeth have a yellowish cast, choose a pretty pink one. If they are more on the grayscale, then the bronze tone should suffice.

Remember, it’s important to know the reason for the discoloration when it comes to getting whiter teeth, so if possible, you can avoid those causes in the future and keep your smile brighter.

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