Asking for money from the family can be challenging. And you’ve probably already asked each family to donate a flat fee for the family reunion, but you need a little extra money for some activities. More families will be prepared to share money if they know there is a fundraiser at the family reunion. So announce the fundraiser ahead of time.

Now for some fundraising ideas.

Items you can sell

Get something specially made with the family’s last name to sell for your family reunion fundraiser.

Some items to sell:

  • Welcome sign with last name
  • Garden sign with last name
  • Notepad with last name (maybe the date and place of the meeting)
  • Glass cake or casserole plates, wine glasses or engraved vases
  • Family Recipe Book
  • Embroider or screen-print hats, t-shirts, polo shirts, jackets, bags
  • Family History Stories Book
  • Book with current family stories
  • Photo album of the family reunion photos (will be handed out sometime after the reunion, obviously)
  • Family Photo Calendar
  • Antenna balls
  • Pens with last name


Ask family members to submit items to sell at auction. They can offer crafts, food, or even a service coupon, maybe a week in their personal cabin in the mountains. A good auctioneer will keep the auction lively and moving quickly.

Silent auction

A silent auction replaces the auctioneer with paper and pens and works great with a mix and match activity.

Label each item for auction and include a blank numbered list for family members to write their names and what price they want to bid for the item. Encourage family members to bid and outperform others. Allow a specified amount of time for the silent auction.


Again, invite family members to donate items for a raffle, or use just one big, special prize for the raffle. Then sell tickets for a fixed price, maybe $ 1 or $ 5. You can buy carnival-style tickets at a party store. If you have some high-end items, you can have a separate raffle for those with different colored tickets that cost more.

Place a container (such as a plastic cup) next to each raffle item with a matching item tag. Have everyone put tickets with their names in the container labeled with the item they are interested in. Pour the container tickets to mix them up before drawing the names to announce a winner for each item. Have a few people available to deliver the products to the waiting family members.

Funniest Home Video

For a $ 5 or $ 20 entry fee, invite each family to submit their funniest home video. Videos must be 2 minutes or less. And announce if they should be sincere or if they can organize. Review the videos before the meeting so they can be edited if necessary. Keep them family friendly. The winner must be decided by a panel of judges, from several different families, who have not submitted any videos. Offer a prize for the winner. You can make it monetary or something with the last name engraved on it.

Home movie

Invite families to redo a scene from their favorite movie. Set a time limit of 2 minutes or less and charge a $ 5 entrance fee. Review the videos before the meeting so you can be familiar.

Garage Sale

Ask the family to donate items for a yard sale and store them in a prominent place, near a busy road. Advertise the garage sale in local newspapers and websites. Many classifieds have sections for garage sales, both in print newspapers and online. Decide before the yard sale what to do with the unsold items. Does everyone want them returned or donated to a thrift store?

50/50 raffle (50% to the winner and 50% to the meeting)

Offer a cash-only raffle. Sell ​​tickets for $ 1 or $ 5. At the end of the family reunion, take out a single ticket and divide the cash 50/50 with the winner, and the family reunion fundraising coffers.

Sports competition

Choose your favorite sport. And compete. Charge an entry fee to compete and offer a reward to the winner.

Miniature golf tournament

Ask family members to submit miniature golf holes to create a unique golf course for your family reunion. You can do this voluntarily or request a presentation fee and offer a prize for the best hole. Then of course there will be an entry fee to compete in the miniature golf tournament. Let everyone know if they need to bring their own golf clubs, if golf clubs will be provided, or if those who create the golf holes will need to provide a unique set of clubs for each hole and the winner will win a prize. But the meeting takes the biggest prize in registration fees.


You know what your family loves to do. Make it a contest. It’s art? Is it singing, dancing, theater? Writing? Lop-eared bunnies? Scrub toilets! He knew he would find it. Create a contest. Entry fees, awards, blue ribbons, honorable mentions, and judges. Save most of your entry fee money for your meeting fund. And use some as a prize for the winner. And if you take out clean toilets … then it’s just amazing!

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