If a man is far removed from his masculinity, he will not wonder if this is due to problems with his own father. In fact, he may not even realize that he is out of touch with this side of his nature.
It may seem strange that he doesn’t realize this, but this could be normal. So this is just about how he is and it won’t be something that stands out.
the signs are there

However, while this may be something he is unaware of, it does not mean that he will be oblivious to the effects of being this way. He may find that he finds it hard to take action and get things done in general.

To take a step back, he might find that it is often a challenge for him to get out of bed each day and he might have times when he sees life as a burden. When he’s around others, he can usually walk all over you and you can’t do anything about it.

a miserable existence

If you are often treated poorly, find it hard to stand your ground, and just tolerate what is going on, why would you want to get out of bed every day? You may not have long to wait.

This could illustrate that this job is anything but satisfying and the only thing it gives you is the money you need to survive. Your relationships are unlikely to be very satisfying and you might wonder if you’ll ever find someone to be with.

External comments

If your friends and family were to describe you, they might say that you are quite passive and lack the drive it takes to truly embrace life. They may not go as far as saying that you need to “man up,” but they might say that you need to stand your ground and not let life pass you by.

After talking about this, you might say that you are aware of it but don’t know what to do to change your life. They might suggest that you seek professional support.

going forward

This could be a time when you end up looking for answers online or you could visit your doctor. If you search for answers online, you may come to believe that you need to change your thoughts and behavior.

On the other hand, if you were to see your doctor, you might end up on some kind of medication. The reason for this is that it could be considered to have a “chemical imbalance”.

another route

If you don’t follow any of these paths, and instead come across information that says you need to work out the issues you’re having with your own father, you might be confused. You might have a hard time understanding how this has anything to do with your inability to get active and embrace life.

Still, if he were to think about his own father, he might feel nothing or he might be consumed with rage. This could be the case regardless of whether he is still on this planet or whether he is deceased.

complete rejection

What this may show is that he had a very challenging relationship with his father as a child; he may continue to be that way or stay that way until he dies. Because of who he was, she would not have identified with him and allowed herself to embrace his own masculinity in the process.

Perhaps your father physically hurt and belittled you during your early years. Being primarily exposed to this type of behavior, in addition to being traumatized and out of touch with this aggressive/fighting instinct, he would have wanted nothing to do with the masculinity his father possessed and, as a result, repudiated the hers.

a new model

Ultimately, his father failed to give him a healthy example of what it means to be a man or how masculine strength can be expressed in a very healthy way. To use an analogy: it will be as if he has only seen a knife that is used to harm others, not to feed others.

Therefore, as painful and lifeless as his existence will be, embracing his masculinity will be the last thing he wants. If he did this, he might believe that he would be just as destructive as his father and end up feeling guilty, ashamed and disgusted with himself.

is neutral

The masculinity that is within him is neither good nor bad; it is simply an expression of the creative force. Most likely, his father was deeply hurt, which is why he behaved in such a destructive manner.

In order to reintegrate this side of yourself and step into its power, it will be essential that you resolve your trauma and work through your emotional wounds related to this parent. He may carry many unfulfilled childish needs and these will need to be afflicted.


If a man can relate to this and is ready to turn his life around, he may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.

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