We all wonder what is happening to our climate. We’ve heard a lot about global warming in recent years, but no specific event can be directly attributed to climate change. The frequency of catastrophic events strongly suggests that climate change or global warming is playing a role.

The facts about global warming suggest that climate change can:

• Cause changes in rainfall (increased incidence of flooding)

• See a higher incidence of forest fires

• Have more frequent and intense storms and tornadoes

In fact, we are seeing a pattern of increasing weather patterns around the world. In the past year, Australia had a record drought, India had terrible monsoon rains, and Greece had wildfires. During the winter of 2010, the Washington, DC area had the worst snowstorm to hit the city in 90 years. Washington Reagan National Airport received 17.8 inches of snow. Many other cities on the east coast received record amounts of snow.

Floods have been happening across the United States, Nashville Tennessee, May 2020 Experienced historic floods that claimed the lives of multiple people. Tornadoes are happening at an alarming rate and many people are left homeless and defenseless.

A great earthquake is one of the greatest forms of disaster; in some cases, cities are completely razed and thousands of people are injured or worse still die. An excellent example of such a catastrophic earthquake is the one that occurred in Haiti in 2010. This type of disaster could potentially happen in the US, because the New Madrid fault system between St. Louis and Memphis has a history of tremors. violent and has a series of faults several miles below the surface. Experts say there is a great possibility of an earthquake of similar magnitude to those of the 19th century. The largest earthquake is reported to have occurred in 1812 that caused the 60-mile rupture of the New Madrid Fault. This caused the waterfalls on the Mississippi and the river to run backwards for several hours, in the bends of the river just northeast of New Madrid. This earthquake also created Reel Foot Lake in Northwest Tennessee.

In fact, disasters of economic proportions are happening more frequently, although we cannot stop them, we all need to have an emergency preparedness kit available. When disaster strikes, it is too late and we depend on someone else for our vital needs. This type of equipment is becoming a necessity because, in the event that you do not receive emergency help, you will have some means of survival until help arrives.

Consider having items like:

• Emergency food units

• Dehydrated and survival foods

• Walter filters

• Walter purifies

• Salt water filter

• Preparation books

• Water and treatment tablets

• Water treatment

• Freeze-dried foods

• Survival kit for earthquakes

• Dehydrated and survival foods

I have not personally suffered the direct effects of a natural disaster, but ‘3’ of my siblings and their families went through the horrible effects of a tornado in 2003 and escaped with only their clothes on, therefore I am a strong advocate. preparedness for emergencies.

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