We all know someone who was a bully at school and went about causing pain and suffering to anyone in their line of sight. Today the problem has another dimension and affects not only children but also adults. Studies show that it is a growing problem that always leaves behind resentments and bad memories in those it has victimized, which can eventually turn into outbursts of violence towards innocent people.

Bullies are everywhere but the truth is that they are not so tough when someone stands up to them.

Stalkers are generally people who have experienced violence or harassment from others at some point in their lives. Many of them are people who live with frustrations and have severe personality problems or conflicts. As an adult, you may discover that your office bully was a high school sports star who got nowhere with it and, instead of going to the major leagues, ended up working as an office clerk. Many high school and high school bullies have been victims of their parents’ frustrations in life. It is a fact that if you live with violence at home, when you grow up, the possibility of being violent yourself is extremely high.

Today, bullying has been identified as a serious problem and there are laws and actions that the police will take to protect you. There used to be a time when you were intimidated and had to find a way to solve the problem yourself, or live with it, this is no longer true. It is difficult for a child or even an adult to accept the fact that he is being bullied and that he cannot do anything about it. Children believe that if they go to the principal and accuse someone of this crime, the other children will laugh at them, or worse yet, that the bully will do something to them because they rated it.

This is no longer true, every school in the world now provides guidance to their students and speaks openly to them about this issue, encouraging them to step forward and report perpetrators or perpetrators. Yes, there are often more than one, cowards run in packs most of the time, and even if it’s just one thug, there is always a group around him that celebrates him and encourages him to continue. Talk to your children, go with them to school and file a complaint, it is the obligation of schools to do something about it. Talk to the parents of the bully, let them know what he is doing at school. If none of these work, go to the police and file a report, bullying is a serious crime and has had fatal consequences not only in the United States but in many countries around the world.

If this is happening in the office, if you or someone else in the office is the victim, get together with the other employees and talk about it, there are likely to be more victims. First try to solve the problem between yourselves, talk to the harasser, let him know that this is a crime and that you will not allow this to happen inside or outside your workplace. Try to make this person understand that you have nothing against him or her, but that you will do whatever it takes to make them stop. Tell him that you will support the person being harassed and that he is not alone. If this doesn’t work, file a complaint with your boss or supervisor, he should be able to take care of things. All reports must be made in writing, if the problem continues you will need evidence to give to the police.

Whatever the case, be it a child or an adult, if things don’t work, go to the next step; file a complaint with the local police. The person will be called to the police station to give explanations, if he is a child his parents will have to accompany him. Add to your police report, copies of your previous reports with your boss or the school principal, bring a couple of witnesses with you, make a strong case for real action to be taken to protect the victim. Bring an attorney with you and file for a restraining order against the harasser, use everything the law allows to stop the harasser in his tracks. Do not resort to violence at any time, this will only add fuel to the fire that is already burning and can have serious consequences.

Nobody has the right to scare, threaten or turn your life into a nightmare. Taking bullying and believing it will go away on its own is not true, and even if it does, make sure it happens because the stalker has found someone else to torture. Being a child or teenager is hard enough, it is your duty to protect your children, watch over them, look for changes in their grades, attitude towards school and other people. If there are changes, talk to them, talk to their teachers, do everything you can to find out the reasons for these changes. IN these times, life is hard as it is and you don’t need anyone to make it harder. It is your duty as a human being to step forward and help anyone who is living with this torment every day. Together we can help stop bullying, this will save lives and also make the world a better place to live.

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