It’s what can make or break it. It’s what matters at the end of the day. You can pack anything in fancy wrappers and present it with a taste like no one has seen before. You can surprise people to open the elegant package and anticipate wonders. but if the content is not up to par, it will leave a bad taste in consumers’ mouths and you will lose them forever. This is exactly why content matters. Let me rephrase it. This is why unique, exciting, original and thoughtful content is important. It can be in any form; be it a video, a solitary social media post, a Gif, an article, an infographic or an Instagram story; But the heart of the matter is the content. Here’s why content is, was, and always will be king. And especially when it comes to the digital space. Everything and nothing; be it branding, marketing or advertising; the content is the most important. Here’s why content was, is, and always will be king.

Engagement Catalysts:

Good content stimulates the user to talk, act on the form of the content and interact with it. In the social media driven world, a single like or thumbs up is no longer enough. The old five-step process of pause-read-like-share-follow is all about authentic, high-quality content. Otherwise, you are just one of the posts or content that people scroll through and get lost in the crazy social media scene. Make them care. That’s what content is for.

Want to sell? Use good content.

Being in a branding agency, we understand the impact that good content has on brand awareness and the stamp of authority it imposes. Even when trying to sell a product, try to make the content not sound like a pitch a salesperson would give. If you want the user to genuinely care about and engage with your brand, your content needs to make them feel comfortable and make them feel like the brand cares “more than just wanting us to buy their product.” Try too hard to sell and the corner will back down. Turn them into brand advocates and fans of your product with good content, consistently.

Great content doesn’t describe the product, it adds to it.

What else can you do? The product has been created and has a specific purpose, whatever the field. Now, the customer-facing aspect is the product and ‘how you present it to them’, and that’s where good content can make or break. And the customer will always look for what adds the most value to their current situation, or solves a problem, nothing else will. The intangible value is considered more important than a merely functional one. There’s a reason the DIY videos, how-to videos, and small cooking videos on Tasty work like magic.

Enables higher engagement and drives more traffic

Good content is a gift that keeps on giving. And if you consistently deliver it, it adds more traffic to your website. The period of stay on the website, recurring customers, advertisements and referrals; it’s all based on how good the content is and it has the power to capture and then hold the customer’s interest. Engaging content leaves a certain impression, and that’s hard to remove, be it positive or negative.

It is a boon for search engine optimization.

Nowadays it’s all about search engine rankings. As a social media agency/brand agency that ventures into digital every day, we receive many requests from clients that start with “How can I be seen on the first page of Google?”. Our answer is great content. Add to that internal inks, relevant keywords, and links to other websites, etc. it helps in how the product will be perceived. Also, don’t forget how it works wonders for a backlink profile.

We could go on and on, but that would be overdoing it. Let us know your thoughts on why content is king.

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