Candle making molds for pet lovers may seem hard to find at first, but they are readily available. Some online retailers sell candle molds in the shape of dogs, cats, horses, and other pets. The pet shapes themselves are fine, of course, but so are other shapes. Think outside the box. Pet lover molds can include any shape that is regularly associated with the animals they love.

For example, we have two “pet” seagulls on the deck of our oceanfront home. I am watching them as I write. Now, I can find molds to make gull shaped candles, but I wanted something more fun. Thinking outside the box, I found molds for making starfish candles. Our two gulls eat starfish as often as they can, and we’ve laughed at their attempts. Two of the star’s legs are put into the mouth and there they will remain, firmly embedded. They drop it on the shore and try again, going a different stretch, but getting the same results. A wax gull next to a wax starfish is a perfectly fun combination for our home.

Pet Dogs

Dog candle molds are much more common than seagulls, of course. Some of my favorites include:

A poodle that is 6.5 inches tall and would be lovely in white or black

Bulldog and hound dog shapes at 5.5 inches tall

A 5-inch mold featuring a dog next to a fire hydrant.

A form of latex golden retriever that is almost as detailed as our own dog.

A determined seller can even find two dogs or puppies together.

What else would you wear for dog lover creations? I found ball-shaped candle molds that make beautiful wax tennis balls. Dog bones and dumbbells are also possible and come in various sizes. How about a bird for your bird dog?

Do you want something more creative? Get dog biscuit candle molds and a dog bowl. Then mix up a waxed version of your favorite food and place it next to it.

Domestic cats

Cat and kitten candle molds are also plentiful, which is great for cat lovers who want to honor their companions. I found these three in a few minutes:

Fluffy looking kitty candles for making 5.5 inch tall pans.

A Siamese cat mold that is slightly taller.

ยท A cast of a skinny cat that is 17 inches tall!

A scary 2-inch-tall Halloween cat that would create great treats

You know, if you are a cat person, that every wax cat needs a bow around their neck, and you can find cat shapes that have that bow. You also know that every wax kitty needs a wax mouse or ball of wax string to play with, and you can find those shapes in plastic and other materials. You can also create small wax fish to embed in a gel “aquarium” to display with your kittens.

By now you get the idea. Pet candle making molds are readily available. Shapes that work well for accessories can also be found without much trouble.

But yes …

What if your pet is something more exotic? What if you have a monkey? Suppose you have a pet camel or giraffe.

I read about a cat who befriended a deer. That pet lover would probably enjoy having his wax kitten sitting at the feet of a wax deer.

Those shapes are harder to find, but this is where you think outside the box again. Get creative and you can create wonderful shapes that will please any pet lover.

Cookie cutter

Cookie cutters come in a wider variety than candle molds and are ideal for hard-to-find animal shapes. Use beeswax sheets or make paraffin wax sheets. Then cut the shapes into wax “cookies”. Stack the “cookies” with a wick between the two in the center. Seal with microcrystalline wax, flatten one end and you have a unique fixture.


Candle making molds for pet lovers include animal shapes and the shapes of items associated with pets. Combine them and you can create interesting gifts for all the pet lovers in your circle of family and friends. Display fun combinations of pets and their toys at your next arts and crafts display, and you’re sure to boost business.

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