As a senior-level leader with your direct selling company, you need to spend more time developing leaders, building a sales organization, and managing your personal business. While you can do anything, no one can do everything. Here are 5 tasks you can delegate to a trained virtual assistant who can collaborate and partner with you for the success of your business.

Electronic newsletters. Are you struggling to send an email newsletter to your clients, your monthly recognition report to your team members in a timely manner? A VA can lend their expertise to setting up a newsletter with timely and relevant information that reaches their clients. This could be a template set up in Constant Contact that can be updated with new content for each new edition. This can result in more consistent sales, bookings, leads, and referrals. You can also help you recognize the successes of your team members on a consistent and regular basis with a team recognition report.

Updating Personal Websites. A VA can keep their website content fresh and relevant to their clients and team members. This may include timely news applicable to your current programs and promotions and hosting online parties.

calendar management. Let your VA manage not only your appointments on your calendar, but also keep track of the deadlines for promotions and programs that are relevant to your clients and team members. Your VA can use Google Calendar to manage your appointments and deadlines and has the ability to sync with Outlook.

Host packages and host services. Provide your VA with the contents of your host package. Decide if part or all of it can be sent virtually and what time period you want it to use when booking a new party. That email may be followed by a mailing of all non-electronic information. A virtual assistant can also set up reminder phone calls for hosts using an automated service like PhoneVite. It can also provide you with reports from PhoneVite on the number of RSVPs received and the success rate of each call. Pre-party phone calls have been shown to increase both attendance and outside orders.

Team Building Meetings and Tele-Classes. Your VA can help you with team training content for live meetings. This could include creating flyers, brochures, and agendas. You can also set up tele-classes for your team with all the options you’re looking for. This may include emailing your team members with teleclass information, sending reminder emails, and any documents that may be needed for the training or teleclass.

Working with a virtual assistant works best when a long-term collaborative partnership is formed. The best virtual assistants are the ones who fully understand your business as much as you do. They are not there for a single project; they see the big picture and can think long term. They know that when their business is successful, their business is successful. It can be hard to let go of some of your administrative tasks in your business, but the more you can delegate to your VA, the more time you have for the things you love to do and the things you’re good at. When you can focus on what you do best, your business life and your personal life become more enjoyable.

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