Once again, non-nutritive or “artificial” sweeteners are in the news. New evidence shows that there are negative biochemical changes in the body in response to these low-calorie sugar substitutes. 1

We already know that sugar has detrimental effects on blood sugar, insulin, and the waistline. It is common knowledge today that the consumption of sweets should be reduced and kept to a minimum. Then came those nifty zero-calorie sweeteners that promised a similar taste without all the unhealthy side effects. While they were initially considered safe and FDA-approved, research for some time now has hinted that they are not as benign as advertised. We now have even more evidence that they are doing more harm than good.

In this new study, the researchers took several groups of rats and fed them diets high in glucose, fructose, or artificial sweeteners (aspartame or acesulfame potassium). Acesulfame is sold in stores at Sunnett or Sweet One, and aspartame is sold as Equal or NutraSweet. Both are currently FDA-approved artificial sweeteners.

Within three weeks, the researchers found discernible differences between the groups based on the blood samples collected. They noted that the artificial sweeteners seemed to change the way their bodies processed fat and energy in general. They also noted that acesulfame potassium accumulated in the blood and had a negative impact on the cells lining the blood vessels.

Bottom line? Don’t think switching to artificial sweeteners is the answer. For one, how many skinny people do you see walking around drinking diet soda all day? They don’t seem to work. This study helps us understand why. Also, continuing to drink sweet drinks hinders the ability to acclimate to less sweetened drinks and foods. It keeps the sweet craving going, per say, and doesn’t solve the craving problem. In fact, it can make things worse by starting an insulin response but, without sugar getting into the body, you end up with lower blood sugar and a “crash” so to speak. The desire cycle continues.

The article ends by trying to answer the question, which is better? Sugar or artificial sweeteners? How about none? My advice is to ditch sweet-tasting drinks entirely and switch to good water, just the way nature intended.

But you hate the water, you say? If that’s you, think of a few simple flavors like lemon, lime, or other fruit soaked in your H2O. Perhaps you dilute a favorite drink half and half and keep increasing the water until you want the sweet taste less and less. Drink sparkling mineral water and lime if soda is your thing. There are ways to make better choices to keep these harmful chemicals out of your body for good.

In the end, if weight loss, blood sugar control, and heart health are your goals, artificial sweeteners have to go. Period.

1. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180423085440.htm

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