Using a stopwatch is a very effective tool in wrestling training, you can start at 30 seconds for your rounds and do 3 rounds each.

Example. Sled pushes, pull-ups, hanging cleans,

Perform each exercise as hard as you can for 30 seconds and repeat for 3 rounds of each. This is a good, very basic starting point. You should also count your reps so you have a target to beat each time and keep it at that level for each round. If you’re working in a group, the higher number will also help push others.

From there you can go up to 45 seconds after 3 weeks and 60 seconds per exercise in another 3 weeks. I also like to use the timer on the Airdynes, which you can use before and after each round for a total of 3 rounds.

Example. Airdynes, set 1, above Airdyne, set 2 wrestling fingertip lunges, TRX rows, explosive push-ups with Bosu, Airdyne. Finish with abs

You need to have someone who doesn’t train holding the stopwatch so you can take out all the time and be accurate so you can check your progress with time and reps.

You also need to use the stopwatch with the Airdyne, you need to time your half mile and rest period as well. You need a target for your ride time and rest time should start at 1 minute and reduce every 3 weeks or as needed.

Using a large chart with the best reps per exercise helps motivate others.

My groups have signup tables for each group, each age group, and total group reps.

You want to make sure that you don’t just push yourself for a record in one set and not do much in the other sets. Training should be as hard as possible all the time with no spurts or it defeats the purpose.

Try to make sure that you or your athletes have some success as well, for many people doing pull ups or pull ups for a full minute, even with a band for assistance, is very difficult or impossible. Choose something that can be done for the whole minute and build more difficult exercises.

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