Feeding your snake frozen mice is a better option for your pet than using live food. There are several important advantages to using pre-killed rather than live feeders. They are safer, easier to buy in bulk, and you can easily store several months worth of meals.

Using live rodents can be a risky proposition for a snake owner. Like any animal, they would prefer that dinner not be cooked for another animal. Mice will fight back if given a choice. It can scratch, bite and claw. This can cause unnecessary injury to your pet. If your snake doesn’t get a clean kill and subdues the feeder right away, this may be a distinct possibility. This is not a problem with frozen mice for obvious reasons.

A worse possibility is if you have a larger snake like a red tailed boa that eats larger food like rats. They are more aggressive than your common mouse. It has been said that rats left alone with an uninterested snake will actually try to feed on it. You can start eating all the way to the spine if you get the chance. This is a good reason to remove your prey from the tank if your snake is not interested in eating and to try again later.

Buying in bulk is another great benefit of using frozen mice. When you buy from your local pet store, the supply you can get is much smaller and may only last a week or two before you have to return. Also, prices tend to be higher than when you buy in bulk. Bulk prices are usually quite attractive when you buy in large quantities, like fifty at a time. You can also get a discount or free shipping to really add to your savings.

By buying in bulk, you can store several months’ worth of food and avoid rushing to the store every couple of weeks. Frozen pinky mice are usually vacuum packed and flash frozen. This makes it quite convenient and easy to store in your freezer.

You can see that there are many advantages to using live or frozen mice when feeding your snake. It’s the best way to keep your pet safe while getting great prices and avoiding trips to and from the pet store.

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