What are soulmates?

Soulmates are two souls that were created when the same energetic unit was divided into two separate and complete halves in the Universal Womb of all Creation by Mother-Father God. Soulmates are born together on the energy plane in a manner comparable to twin babies born together on the physical plane when a zygote divides into two fetuses which are then born from the womb of the same human mother at about the same time. . The human body is, after all, a microcosmic reflection of the Universe.

Similar to how one’s physical twin is the closest blood family member, the soulmate is the closest soul family member. Not everyone has a soul mate, as not everyone has a physical twin. In fact, both phenomena are quite rare. Currently, about 2% of the entire human population is a soulmate and the same percentage applies to physical twins. However, just as the rate of appearance of physical twins gradually increases over time, so does the rate of soulmates incarnating on Earth. This is a reflection of how the world is awakening to Universal Unity, accelerating, growing and expanding its consciousness faster than ever.

While soulmates originate from two halves of a whole, they are a whole unto themselves. And yet, similarly to the number of twins separated at birth who report going through life always feeling like their other half is missing, so do soulmates, and that feeling multiplies exponentially. The longing that two soulmates feel for each other often begins instinctively and unconsciously, and its intensity is directly proportional to how awake one is spiritually. They are often seen in dreams, although they may not be able to identify at first.

Note that while most human bodies have different DNA, a small percentage of them, physical twins, have identical DNA while remaining separate individuals. Also, while most souls have different energy frequencies, a small percentage of soulmates have identical energy frequencies while remaining separate individuals.

What is the Twin Flame Journey?

The Twin Flame Journey is much more than simply one twin identifying and determining the physical location of the other and going towards them and the two of them living happily ever after. The total journey consists of four milestones towards ascension that will challenge each individual twin to its core through incarnations together.

1. Individual totality:

This is the basis for all subsequent milestones. It is the exploration of each individual twin deep within themselves to recognize the Divine within, to develop self-love, to use the ego to serve. It involves paying off karmic debts, dissecting and clearing resistances, healing the body, mind and spirit, and unlocking one’s individual potential. Only when both twins have spiritually evolved and healed from their own traumas to the fullest extent individually can a successful Union occur.

2. The Soulmate Experience (Human Entanglement):

This is where soulmates come together on the physical plane to experience the duality that seems to mark the human experience on the 3D plane. Soulmates have been together on a soul level since Creation and must now experience being together on a human level. The soul level and the human level initially appear as two conflicting realities, Unity vs. illusion of separation. The completion of this stage occurs when two twins go through the illusion of separation together and present their polarities as Unity from the cellular level to the cosmic level.

The way the soulmate experience unfolds directly reflects the work of each twin at Individual Wholeness. It is common for many twins to be blessed with an initial layer of Divine protection through physical separation across oceans, hemispheres, cultures, languages, and marriages with other people to prevent them from reuniting before they are ready. The soulmate experience can be extremely traumatic for people who are still in the developmental stages of the Individual Whole because the love of twins for each other at the soul level is so intense. Many twins get stuck in stage two, because Earth is a place of free will and completing all four stages in one lifetime is not a birthright. On the contrary, there are some soulmates whose preliminary experience of soulmates together is easy and happy from the moment of recognition. It is highly likely that these individuals have spiritually evolved before meeting and / or have already been through the difficult moments of human entanglement together in a previous incarnation.

3. Divine Union:

Divine Union occurs when two soulmates, despite all the pain they may have experienced holding on to their polarities and illusions of separation that lead to it, recognize the other for who they really are, recognize the same in themselves from the level cellular to the cosmic. and surrender together to the Love of God and Universal Unity for the purpose of world service. The Union is sustainable only if both people have completed the initial milestones to an adequate degree. It is common for many soulmate pairs to make many attempts at Union only to have them fall apart prematurely when one of them “runs away.” This often means that one or both of the twins were not ready and that a deeper healing needed to occur at the level of the Individual Wholeness. Running is not always a reflection of the runner’s level of preparation or lack of it. Sometimes the runner runs to indicate where the tracker or both twins must work equally before they can make another attempt.

When the union is successful, only then can the twin flame frequency be activated.

4. Activation of the twin flame frequency:

There is a lot of conflicting, inaccurate and romanticized information on the internet about what the Twin Flame is. The Twin Flame is first and foremost a Divine cosmic frequency. The term “Twin Flame” is not necessarily interchangeable with “soul mate”. When two soulmates achieve a successful Union, each individual twin undergoes an energetic transformation in which a new heart chakra strong enough to embody the exponentially powerful frequency of the Twin Flame develops in place of the old heart chakra. This energetic shift is tremendous. It requires a substantial period of time to complete and a healthy physical body to adjust. Only when the Twin Flame frequency has been accepted and embodied by BOTH individuals can both soul mates accurately refer to themselves together as “twin flames”. If an individual has reached the activation of the Twin Flame frequency within himself while his twin is still in stages of development, he may refer to himself as “a twin flame”. (Reference: Wood, Moe. “Twin flames are not people: the twin flame is a cosmic frequency”).

What is the purpose of the Twin Flame?

The purpose of activating the Twin Flame is to perform the most powerful and substantial act of world service possible through the human vehicle. It is working on the cosmic level of the soul and through the human vehicle simultaneously. The activation of the Twin Flame frequency is synonymous with giving yourself totally and completely to God, Divine Love and Universal Unity. It is no longer necessary to ask, “What if?” “Why?” or “What comes next?” Instead, he asks, “Now what, God, for me?” It is being so committed to carrying out God’s plan for All That Is that you continue whether your twin chooses to continue with you or not, whether your destiny is to remain together in human relationship with your twin or not. (Reference: Wood, Moe. “Twin flames are not people: the twin flame is a cosmic frequency”).

Soulmates should not be confused with higher or higher level soulmates, nor should Divine Love between two soulmates be confused with romantic love. Divine love and romantic love are opposites, although evolved romantic partners achieve both for each other. In other words, soulmates love each other at the soul level at the same vibrational frequency with which God loves us and all of creation. The current social paradigm in which we live tries to tell us that romantic love is the highest form of love that a human being can have for another and that is simply not true. The current social paradigm based on science and separateness tries to tell us that God does not live in us when in reality we are each in the image of God the Mother-Father and we can love one another unconditionally as God does. The seeds of this vibration on Earth are in the soulmate connection. The second closest reflection of God’s Unconditional Love on Earth, in addition to the one that exists between two soul mates, is the one that exists between parents and children.

To activate the Twin Flame frequency between two soulmates is to enter into such a great energetic vibration that it invokes Unconditional Divine Love in all human beings for each other because the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. That is the Universal Unity.

To activate the Twin Flame frequency in yourself, in your twin, in the other, all the motivation and intention behind the Union must have ceased to be only for the two of you, but about the Greater Whole.

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