Washer Toss and Cornhole, two toss games that have a lot in common, yet these games attract different types of players.

Just for fun, I’ll compare Washer Toss to Cornhole. What follows is a list of things that I think Washer game players could learn from Cornhole game players.

Customize it! Cornhole players have gone beyond making boards just to play. Cornhole boards are often works of art! Some Cornhole boards are so incredibly elaborate and decorated it’s a shame to throw bags of corn on them. Washing machine tables and boxes are generally well made too, but most lack that extra effort. Wash charts need color, graphics, lettering, etc. Go the extra mile! Come on Washer Players, let’s see some creativity!

Standardize. Washers is played in different ways with different teams almost everywhere it is played. Eventually, there may be size standards, hole sizes, hole spacing, scoring, etc. The variety is great, but a standard could really increase the popularity of the game.

BUZZ. I don’t mean which drink you choose! Cornhole is a ‘hot’ game right now. It seems to be everywhere, popping up in new places all the time. That is not to say that there are not people across the country playing washing machines, but there is not the same excitement for the game. Create some Washer games, find other players, organize your own tournaments, gift games to people for birthdays and holidays. If you are passionate about the game, tell people.

Share. This is really the sum of the previous points. Cornhole has become a very popular outdoor game in recent years, while Washers has failed to keep up with the same aggressive pace. I think the lack of customization, standardization and word of mouth are the three most important factors. Cornhole and Washers make great outdoor games and hopefully everyone will know about them one day.

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