For whatever reason, people often think that there is only one correct way to astral project. These steps that I plan to outline are simply the general theme, through the variety of successful astral projection techniques. Astral projection, both for beginners and experts, will probably be different for all of us. Even if you didn’t get it on your first try doesn’t mean you can’t get it right. All it implies is that you learn differently from others. Since the invention of the Internet, information on the subject is a little more accessible. With practice, it is possible to refine your strategies to better suit you in how to learn astral projection. With that said, let’s jump into it.

One of the fundamental factors for any successful astral exit is relaxation. He might even remember having a spontaneous projection, shortly after falling asleep. This was more than likely after a tiring day, as soon as you finally lay down to sleep your system immediately relaxed. These spontaneous projections could end quickly, accompanied by a rapid jolt or a sensation of falling. This may even be what led you to learn astral projection anyway. Lots of people experienced those nights where you just fell asleep, only to wake up violently. Whatever your knowledge of this phenomenon, relaxation is essential. Be sure to remove any jewelry or loose clothing before you begin.

Step one:

A good way to relax is by tensing and relaxing all the muscles in your body. You can choose to lie down or sit down if you wish. Normally, a priority is to find a position in which you feel comfortable for a few hours. Get going by tensing certain muscles within yourself, holding for 5-10 seconds, then slowly releasing. This can also be accompanied by deep, controlled breathing. Inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3 up to 75 or 100 is a breathing exercise that works well. Do this all over your body and remember the head and neck. This is where much of your tension will likely be.

Second step:

Chorus of falling asleep. This is the most frequent damper when learning about astral projection. One of the most used solutions to avoid falling asleep is usually to keep a single forearm at a 90ยบ angle. This way, every time you start to drift off, your dropping arm should jump you awake. When done correctly, you should hover just on the brink of sleep and wakefulness. This is what is called the Hypnagogic State. An individual could very well have memories of approaching this particular state before. Usually, at this stage, thoughts of him will wander in the dark. One minute you’re thinking about tomorrow’s big test, the next you’re water skiing with your two-headed lizard friend you just met, yet you’ve known forever. Consciously reaching this unique state can often be difficult and staying in it even more. This is another sophisticated astral projection talent. For newbies, this can be a bewildering state to get used to. Just keep in mind that if you lose concentration, bring your attention back to your breathing.

Step three:

Deepen this state further with the help of breathing and meditation. You will now want to activate the vibrate state. This may seem strange, but very often just thinking about vibrations and/or getting out of your body will produce these types of sensations. Practicing the best form of astral projection is usually fun, but it can take a bit of exercise. If you have ever fallen asleep to a part of your body, been electrocuted, or been startled by a loud sound, then you may appreciate this feeling. Your entire body begins to ‘buzz’ or prick, it can sometimes feel like one’s heart is probably going to burst. Please don’t worry too much, this is just your heart chakra preparing your astral body for separation. You may start to hear high decibel winds, interference (white noise), yelling, and even your own name. Don’t let this break your concentration. Some people do not experience any of these symptoms, while others experience a different one each time. Astral projection techniques have been around for decades. Finding a program you prefer is also important while studying how to astral project.

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