Did you know that less than 10% of people who set New Year’s resolutions keep them? How can you ensure YOUR success? Try using the top 10 tips below.

1. Write them down. It’s a fact: writing down your goals gives you a higher chance of success.

2. Commit. Go beyond the land of “good ideas” to the land of true “commitment.” Make the decision that you will present yourself to your goals. Perhaps you can do a ritual or ceremony to symbolize your commitment.

3. Go in public. Let your biggest fans know about your new commitments and goals for the year.

4. Get responsibility. Even better than just letting others in on your “secret” dreams and goals, get some accountability. Meet for lunch once a month with a group that will ask you, “So, how are you doing with your goal?” Hire a Trainer. Talk to your best friend or partner. Get some support!

5. Make a plan. Ensure success with a step-by-step plan. I love working backward starting with the final vision of where you want to be and working backward to where you are today. You’ll find a simple action plan to make your goals a reality.

6. Make a goal log. Before you decide what you will do for the year, make sure you can answer “YES!” to the following questions: “Am I the main reason for setting this goal (in front of your mom, boyfriend, wife, boss, society)? Do I feel alive and energized by this goal? Is this goal in line with my life purpose or assignment?

7. Get real! If you’re contemplating setting a goal that you always quit and never achieve, take a second look. How will this goal end DIFFERENTLY this year? Is this goal something you should set aside? What good is each year for you? Is this masking goal a form of self-punishment? What is reason enough to really commit?

8. Focus With Reminders. Once you’ve written down your goals, created a plan, and made sure they’re worth pursuing, find ways to remind yourself of them. Some clients post their goals on the bathroom mirror or in their car. Others put reminders on their blackberries, iPhones or cell phones. Find out what works for you.

9. Create and Visualize. Do you know the story of the group of basketball players who spent an hour visualizing making baskets while another group practiced? Visualizer players had better seasons! So visualize yourself on New Year’s Eve with all your goals accomplished. What would that look like? How would it feel? Visualize once a day and see what a difference it can make in your life.

10 Use anchors. Link your goal to a habit you already have. Maybe you decide to do your exercise right after brushing your teeth, or practice meditation after checking email. Anchoring your new behavior and goals to an existing habit is a great tool for success.

May this year be the year when your goals and dreams manifest with ease and joy!

Content here previously developed by Amy Ahlers and Melissa McFarlane.

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