The bottom had come. The business could not be saved. The house was sold in a short sale. My assets are depleted. Where to go from here? Bankruptcy occurred within a few weeks and I was faced with the cold and harsh prospect of rebuilding my life, even with everything that had preceded it. The terrible stress of the months leading up to the event, the endless hours of work, and the embarrassment of explaining to those who had been disappointed were over. Now the time had come to rebuild my life.

I wish I could say that I just got out there and started moving towards a brighter future. However, that is not the case. Regaining my ability to think about things is a work in progress. Getting income out the door is a work in progress. However, all of this can also be achieved.

My first step was to restore some income. While the job I got was imperfect and the boss had to live with something of a tyrant, at least the bills can be paid.

Second, I have to rebuild the trust of my family and my wife. Dragging them through this cesspool of pain has caused long-term damage and will likely take years to fully overcome.

Next, I have to clear my head. I have moved around trying to determine what to do with the situation. The fact is, I’ve invested so much in what I did before that quitting is a difficult decision and perhaps even an unrealistic idea in some ways. However, you must approach the situation as a new beginning. So I’m submitting resumes, making connections, and working toward a position consistent with our family goals.

Personally, I know that a slower pace, more time for mental health, more time for physical health are priorities for me. I have taken steps to improve my appetite. I have set goals for exercising. I am taking more time to be with the family and myself. What will be the next steps? I’m not sure. As I said earlier, this is a work in progress.

I find inspiration in the work of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and in the success of some of my friends. I am absorbing information very carefully and looking for gradual ways to rebuild on a firmer footing, away from excess risk.

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