If you are one of the many women experiencing severe perimenopause symptoms, including (but not limited to):

extreme premenstrual syndrome


· Tired

ovarian cysts

uterine fibers

Humor changes

· Rage

· Infertility

weight gain

low libido

Then it is likely that you suffer from estrogen dominance, a condition in which you have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone.

Keep in mind that this is only a fraction of the possible symptoms due to estrogen dominance. The complete list is quite extensive…

The truth is, due to the abundance of synthetic hormones in our environment, we all suffer from estrogen dominance on some level. Men and children not excluded…

So what do we do about it? What is the most effective estrogen dominance treatment?

As much as I would like to tell you that there is a simple remedy, a pill that you could take to balance your hormones, it simply isn’t true.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that there is no one treatment plan for everyone.

The best estrogen dominance treatment

We girls suffer from estrogen dominance for a number of different reasons. Some of us are exposed to too many chemicals. Others of us are simply too stressed.

Diet alone can be a big contributor. If you follow natural health, you already know that what you eat is very important. The same is true for hormonal health. If you’re eating a lot of conventional meat and dairy, then you’re directly ingesting a series of xenohormone chemicals. These synthetic hormones spell disaster for our health and are one of the main contributors to estrogen dominance.

Sugar is also a big no-no. If you’re on a high-sugar diet like most Americans, then you’re undermining your hormonal health. Sugar causes a spike in the hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels upset the delicate and fundamental estrogen/progesterone balance. It lowers progesterone and raises estrogen, worsening the condition.

And while we’re talking about high cortisol levels, stress is also a big contributor. As you may know, elevated stress leads to elevated cortisol levels. When you have high cortisol, you have the scenario described above.

As you can see, there are quite a few contributors to estrogen dominance. Addressing just one area of ​​your life will not lead to true healing. It is necessary to adopt a multifaceted approach. And everyone will need to adapt to their specific circumstances accordingly.

One thing is pretty sure. A holistic approach is essential. That includes looking at all areas of your life, including diet, exercise, stress management, and toxin exposure.

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