I have seen quite a few people exposed to the law of attraction for the first time. After a while, I noticed that the patterns seem to occur. There seem to be common stages that most people who adopt this knowledge go through when they discover, or rather “remember” this secret. A description of this process is presented below. (Disclaimer: These are merely warning signs. YOU WRITE THE SCRIPT!)

1. Revelation

The “A-HA!” moment. For some, it’s like discovering a new toy. For others, it is nothing less than realizing the meaning of Life: our purpose for being. It is as if the puzzle pieces assembled during life suddenly fit together to reveal the face of God! “WOW, I GET IT!” There is a surge of energy that leaves the recipient excited to use this seemingly new power.

2. Application

Here, the law of attraction is taken out for a spin. One considers how this law applies to different areas of Life. He or she may try to manifest something at this point. There is real weighing and sifting during this stage. You can discuss it with friends, try to get more information, or witness it in the world around you. It is being assimilated into one’s belief system.

3. Limitation

As the old saying goes, “True love begins when the crush ends.” Really consider this! When it comes to the law of attraction, there are a number of reasons why the excitement can start to fade. After showing it in the everyday light of their daily lives, the newly discovered template is used to see the big picture. Many come to the conclusion that these “concepts” seem too far-fetched to apply across the board. Fear, worry, and doubt seem more reasonable. They hit a wall. This wall is your weak point!

“These things are against my religion!”

“My grandmother absolutely loved life, but she still died of cancer!”

“If this is how life REALLY works, why haven’t I heard this now?”

Others fall in love because they are afraid of what seems like an overwhelming responsibility that is suddenly thrust upon them. “If I’m the one in charge, who can I blame?” Being a victim of circumstances is no longer an easy excuse. You can no longer rely on crutches. Then again, didn’t you come here to walk on your own?

Still, therein lies the real trick! It occurs after the law of attraction has had time to sink in. The early days of celebration and nights of epiphanies, sparked by heady revelations, are fading. Now it’s time to clean the house! This is an internal process by which one takes stock of what one truly believes. It can be very difficult and painful if you have spent your whole life avoiding yourself. This task is usually avoided by proclaiming, “I was drunk on fantasy. Now, back to my bills.”

When the crush is over, you will start to see if you have faith. You will begin to realize how much power you are consciously using, with just glimpses of the amazing power that is available to you!

4. Residue

During this stage, it is incredibly important to stay alert! As one’s infatuation with the law of attraction softens, the residue of past thought (karma) rears its head and manifests. These are the products of thoughts and feelings that were previously sent out into the world, before all these wonderful new ones. I’ve heard him lament over and over, “I don’t get it! I’ve been so positive ever since I learned about the law of attraction. Why are all these bad things happening to me all of a sudden? Better stop thinking about wishful thinking. I have REAL problems to deal with!”

Let’s use Katie as an example. To make this residual concept easier to understand, let’s imagine that Katie’s positive and negative phases come at one-month intervals. January is positive, February is negative, March is positive, and so on.

Now, it is the beginning of the year. Everything is going well for him in January. Money abounds, relationships flow, and she feels healthy. February arrives and she can’t understand why she finds herself with “bad luck”. Money is tight, she feels cut off from everyone else, and she has a cold. She gave off so many good vibes in January, so why is February like this? I’ll tell you: it’s the gloomy remains of December!

December was a “negative” month. Katie reacted to events with fear, worry, and doubt in December. So while she was joyful and optimistic in January, the Universe was bundling up the negative December vibes to deliver right to her doorstep as the February experiences.

Soon February ends and things start to change in March. Why has your situation improved in March? Positive thoughts and emotions of January manifest! Of course, this “one month” illustration is completely hypothetical and simplistic. It has been used to convey how cycles relate to the law of attraction. This leads to the next stage…

5. Awareness

Identifying the cycles in Life is instinctive for every living being. From the Sun and the Moon to birth and death, cycles are an intrinsic part of consciousness. Have you ever noticed that life seems to go well, and then not so well, and then well again, as if it came in phases? We have all heard of it as “the roller coaster of life”. Being aware is keeping your hands in the air. ENJOY THE TRIP!!!

Let’s say the February difficulties arrive at Katie’s doorstep and she becomes aware of these cycles. She meets any difficulty with the knowledge that it is simply a residue. Any unfavorable events you experience have manifested because of your past reactions to unfavorable events, which have manifested due to your past reactions to unfavorable events, which have manifested due to your past reactions to unfavorable events, and so on.

He realizes that he has been living on autopilot. This involves manifesting in “default” mode as a seemingly unaware victim of circumstance. “Forgive them, Lord, for they do not know what they are doing.” Let’s say that in February she continues to exude the optimism, love and joy that she felt in January. She realizes that worrying is praying for what you don’t want. She breaks the cycle with her resolute faith in her. She decrees that only good things come to her. SO BE IT!

Now, Katie is aware of her conscience. His eyes of hers have been washed out! I think this is the biblical reference to being born again, to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is happiness in the present moment. “Heaven is near!”


Begin to identify any stages you may be encountering with the law of attraction. These may be stages that I have listed or that are unique to your trip. Where are you in relation to when you first heard of it? Be aware of this process as it is happening. Have you noticed the cycles of your life? Be particularly interested in experiences that occur as a result of past thought.

Choose an important area of ​​your Life. Write down your HONEST beliefs about it. DO NOT HOLD BACK! When you’re done, look at your list. Do you really want to manifest these beliefs as objects and events in your life? This is extremely powerful! You are now an alchemist working with the divine chemicals of the Universe: desire, e-motion, and thought.

One of the most powerful exercises for me has been labeling unpleasant experiences as “waste.” If negative events occur, remember that it is the result of forming ways to react to your environment. Understand that to react to negative experiences with more negativity is to keep the same old wheels turning. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten.

Even if it seems daunting, face these illusory difficulties with firm faith. You will break the cycle. The chains are invisible! They are in your head! Your power is in your reactions. Make a new choice. Choose to be free of those automatic responses to external stimuli. Be aware of the fact that you are consciously creating this Life. That’s why you’re here!

These precepts remain at the core of EVERY enduring spiritual teaching, since the beginning of time:


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