The Great Debaters movie debates universal themes and themes that all human beings can relate to and understand. Regarding what is morally right or wrong, which should take precedence? The law or conscience itself?

This is just one of the many prominent themes that are debated and argued throughout the film, which deals with racial inequality, injustice, and human rights abuses. For centuries, the legislature had written unjust laws to enslave, disenfranchise, and oppress black people in America.

Fortunately, thanks to some noble and intellectually astute men who wisely framed and peacefully articulated their arguments, justice came and Anglo hearts won their freedom. This gradually and eventually brought emancipation for blacks across the country. However, those in power did not give up their control and easily removed their domination. They had to be confronted, exposed and fought endlessly.

Therefore, the beauty and burden of democracy is that a wayward people can rule by majority and thus legally enact immorality. As Gandhi said, civil disobedience is sometimes just when the laws of men are unjust.

Although those in power among the ruling class would say that civil disobedience is nothing more than the true face of lawlessness, nothing could be further from the truth when one takes a closer look at America’s historic atrocities inflicted on the African race. .

Honestly, no people are more positioned or prepared to show true love and forgiveness to America and its people than the Africans who have been oppressed by this nation.

A civil disobedience march conducted peacefully on Gandhi’s instructions upheld human dignity and respect for the opponent, even to the point of humbly accepting the legal consequences of his actions. Such acceptance of repercussions for defying the law (even if unfair) can in no way be lawlessness.

Another topic of debate in the film is well-being, which some say discourages hard work. Survival, which is eating and drinking, having a roof over your head, is undoubtedly the greatest motivation to go to work every day. Therefore, it is arguable that welfare weakens the poor by making them even more lazy and unwilling to work and be self-sufficient.

However, the innocent children of jobless parents who are willing and able to work should not suffer and live with nothing, while a nation as prosperous as ours prospers. The government should give jobs before condemning the poor.

As blacks redeemed their dignity, got their births recognized, and gained meaningful employment, it became immediately apparent that skin color need not be the determining factor of character.

Black poets like Hughes, Bennett, and Hurst were intellectually strong and capable in their writing. Hate is just a game played by cold hands. Wise and eternal words!

Today we no longer demonize Indians, blacks and communists. Instead, we prefer to demonize Muslims and label them terrorists (often people we know nothing about). Thus, America’s oppression continues: it has just been taken off our soil and moved to another “theater of war” far away where there will be less public scrutiny.

Therefore, it is flawed logic and presumptuous to call America pious and good when it poorly represents the heart of the Creator both historically and now.

Who are we to do nothing? Such was an unforgettable question asked in this wonderful film that calls us to account.

A law that violates my conscience is void of justice. So are executive orders that send sons to war to kill innocent people of another color or creed simply because they cannot understand the English language when a gun is held in their faces.

Conscience precedes the law and allows us to distinguish good from evil.

Blacks were hanged, lynched and killed without justice. Today history repeats itself.

Are we confused or convinced by our own media propaganda?

An unjust law is not law at all.

His opponent is a mere dissenting voice to the truth, which we ultimately already know in our hearts. God is the judge of the living and the dead.

Intuitively, Professor Tolson recognized early on in The Great Debaters the irony of Bethlehem Steel, a company that makes weapons of war and yet uses the name of the birthplace of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

Whatever it takes to make us comfortable with imperialism and the military-industrial complex, I guess. The denigration of people continues, only from afar.

Black people today have freedoms they fought for and won gloriously! I encourage them and all people to continue the fight for the freedom of others who are being brutalized by the all-powerful United States and abused under the “rule of law” which is often no law beyond the one we create ourselves, while simultaneously disregarding international law. law and become a law to ourselves.

Write your own dictionary! Because the United States has skillfully mastered the manipulation of the English language, and its actions speak louder than its words.

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