Getting feedback is important. Actually, listening to feedback and taking it into consideration is even more important. Covering adult autism concerns from the perspective of both a parent and a writer makes one susceptible to blind spots, as personal desires can obscure objectivity. Writing about future events is necessary for today’s autistic children, even advantageous in some cases. However, there are adults with autism who are living life without support in all the areas that we dream of for our children. In fact, adults on the spectrum today have lived their entire lives being ridiculed, misunderstood, belittled, and dismissed as less than. In short, the future is now for many adults who eagerly await the day when society delivers on the promise of equality for all people. Their challenges include insufficient housing options and ongoing employment discrimination. Of course, progress has been made on some fronts in the lives of autistic adults, but the enormity of the unmet needs is staggering.

Housing for autistic adults is a serious problem that requires our immediate attention. Trying to place autistic adults with sensory issues and communication difficulties in a general residential setting for the elderly just doesn’t work. Additionally, assisted living facilities that lack autism training have proven to be inadequate substitutes for focused intervention that encompasses a holistic approach. Best practice is just an industry buzzword, having minimal effect, until appropriate residences for autistic adults are a priority. Proper housing for autistic adults should not be high-rise “cookie cutter” facilities that only serve to provide a roof over their head and three meals a day.

The task of designing the perfect residential community for autism is no easy task. However, the degree of difficulty should not be a deterrent to initiating a design that is duplicatable and seeks to address this most pressing concern. Employment opportunities for autistic adults are the hot topic of discussion, and rightly so, but it is a fallacy to believe that someone will perform at an optimal level without the benefits of a safe and comfortable home.

We salute the benevolent men and women who support autism causes on many levels. Housing models that cater to the needs of autistic adults have appeared in recent years with mixed results. They are, for the most part, community-based programs focused on providing places to socialize and work for residents. Additionally, existing residential models do an excellent job of addressing sensory issues within homes. The areas of lighting, noise, security, and to some extent job training, have been admirably addressed. It is true that there are huge benefits generated by housing for autistic adults up to this point. The problem with this approach to housing is twofold.

Firstly, the scale of supportive housing provision for autistic adults is enormous. Even the best of intentions have barely scratched the surface, as many people are left behind due to the unavailability of residential options. With approximately 50,000 autistic adolescents transitioning to adulthood each year, now is the time to think big, as well as have a plan that can be replicated internationally. The second issue has to do with job preparation for adults on the spectrum. There are a number of programs focused on improving the dismal statistics surrounding the autism employment rate.

Unfortunately, most companies are not prepared to hire and manage autistic employees. Again, there should be uniform training standards in place for companies that want to work with the autism community to implement change. Standardization of care for residents living in the community is desperately needed to implement change in this rapidly growing need. We need a collaborative effort from nonprofit organizations, the private sector, and government agencies with the necessary financial resources to accomplish this goal. The one thing we can no longer afford to do is procrastinate. The clock is ticking and it’s getting stronger.

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