It may be one of the big understatements of our time, but craft beer is quite popular in the United States and has been for the past 15 to 20 years. As more and more people have chosen to move away from the better-known, mass-produced brands that have been around for a few generations, more independently minded people have decided that beer must go back to its roots. We’re talking about small batches, the highest quality ingredients, and the willingness to keep tweaking a recipe until it’s just right.

There is a persistence in craft brewing that can sometimes be seen as a bit of tenacity, but it’s this fighting ambition and pursuit of the right flavor that makes craft beer offerings really bring out the beauty of this age-old drink.

As with any great cultural movement, there are those who are not sure what to think, but in the end, they want to be part of the change. The problem is knowing exactly how to do this. Questions run wild and misconceptions run rampant. Do I need to know how to make my own beer? Can I visit a local brewer? Do I need a massive beard and flannel shirt to fit in? All in all, knowing where to start in your quest to get into craft beer is a bit overwhelming.

But fear not, gentle soul. Here’s a basic guide to walk you through the craft beer movement:

Identify what you like – It seems too simple an idea, but if you are a fan of beer and have been for a while, you have a pretty good idea of ​​what you like and what you don’t like. By identifying what you like and what you don’t like, you will be able to better discuss the notes and flavors you may be looking for in the newer beers.

Visit a local brewery or tavern – It may be surprising to learn that a large number of brewers love it when visitors come to see the magic happen. Take advantage of that. Not only will you gain great appreciation for the process, but you will also be able to build a relationship with a brewer.

Experiment with flavors through a specialty beverage store – Large beverage stores offering beer, wine and spirits are very popular throughout the country. Although it can be intimidating to walk away from your usual convenience store or supermarket, these specialty stores have a wide selection of beers and experts on hand to guide you in the right direction.

Keep a beer log – It may seem a bit silly, but in the same way that you can keep a journal or journal, keeping a beer log is a great way to take notes on your taste likes and dislikes, as well as the different brands you’ve tried .

Craft beer is nothing more than a revival of tried and true traditional brewing methodology that is as old as time. As out of touch as you think you may be, if you’re willing to be open to new and exciting drinking experiences, you are sure to find craft beers incredibly accessible.

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