To the

The words Allah and God mean the essence of all things. There is nothing separate and everything is inclusive. In the Koran he asks Muslims to invoke Allah by the “most beautiful names” of him.

You don’t have to be a Muslim for these words to have an effect on your life. I have found that words are really powerful because they are not a language that I have learned, so they bypass my conscious mind.

There are more than 99 Names but these are the main ones that are invoked.

In the essence of the One (this is the same as when people say that we are all One in Spirit) there is no differentiation between the words, but we can use these Qualities and their different meanings to clear the veils (blocks) back to the One.

sound healing

Each of the divine names can be invoked, either in the mind or in the heart; sung or silent They work on so many levels; the ego level, the Heart, Soul and Secret layers, all affecting the physical body.

Apart from the spiritual meaning of each name, there is also a sound component. A well known sound is Om in Buddhism, all 99 names are similar. They are Arabs and Arabic is considered a sacred language. If you break down the name Allah, every sound has a vibration and an effect.

You can break it down even further, each consonant and each vowel works on a different vibrational level.

Negative associations of Allah

Unfortunately, due to extremists in Islam, there is a negative perception of the word Allah. So if you get over the fact that Allah is not a bearded man in the sky judging you, you can start having a relationship with the Name of the One and feel the effects of this word in your mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.

Some of the 99 names are:

  • Ar-Rahman meaning compassion and mercy
  • Al-Fattah which means open and succeed
  • Al-Basir which means to see
  • Al-Malik meaning sovereignty
  • and more

There are western books and apps where you can learn more about the 99 names and the many characteristics and qualities that each name has and works with.

You can use them to treat a multitude of issues including: depression, anxiety, anger, needing help with a health issue, needing to manifest something, and much more.

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