Have you been wondering what animal communication is all about? Maybe you wanted to learn how but didn’t know where to start? Or do you already know how to communicate with your animal and want some extra tips?

Great!… You’ve come to the right place to get the answers to your questions and start exploring what your animal has to say!

However, before you begin the 8-step process, there are a few things to consider.

First… What is Animal Communication?…
1. Animal Communication is about connecting with the pure energy of your beloved companion, be it a dog, horse, cat, bird, fish, etc.
2. It is considered by professional Animal Communicators as the Universal language of all animal species.
3. When you communicate with your animal companion, it must be on an energetic level, not on the level of your intellect or ego.
4. Communicating with animals is about respecting the animal you are talking to and aligning yourself his energy with the energy of that animal… not the other way around.
5. It is about believing in the power, intelligence and higher purpose of all animals and nature.

Now that we have defined what animal communication is, let’s get to work with The 8 steps to animal communication

The 8 steps to animal communication

1. It is important to set the area where you would like to communicate with your animal. This is important to do both physically and energetically. Make sure you are free from distractions so that you can make a deep energetic connection.
2. At first, it is good practice to take notes of the information you are receiving. Notes allow you to refer back to information if you set up multiple appointments.
3. Prepare your energetic being by meditating, singing, etc.
4. Be aware of how your physical body feels. Does it hurt somewhere? Are you tired?
5. Make a connection with Spirit.
6. Greet the energy of the animal and introduce yourself.
7. When the animal greets you back, you can ask questions and receive answers.
8. When the animal finishes giving you information, give the appropriate thanks and then tune out.

Communicating with your animal companion is a wonderful way to build trust and deepen your relationship. They really want to talk to us and with a little practice you will be able to talk to the animal in your life and learn some fun and exciting things!

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