In 1928 Ireland, perhaps like most of the world, was a country facing a great deal of conflict and political unrest, so one can only imagine how difficult it was to make ends meet and raise a family. . War of 1921, momentous occasions in Irish history and well documented in history books around the world.

Dad’s arrival

Well, during all this struggle, as today and everyday life goes on, and on January 29, 1928 my father was born to proud parents, Martin and Margaret. And as was the tradition in Ireland, a son would be named after the father, and lo and behold, my father was christened Martin.

Martin and Margaret were ordinary people of good ancestry, who owned a small property of about thirty acres, located under the foothills of the Slieve Bloom Mountains in County Laois (once known as Queens County during an occupation by our older neighbors. nearby, England). . During the winter months, the conditions were harsh in this part of the world, with the wind blowing from the mountain, and especially if there was sleet or snow falling and you got caught in it, I still get a tingling feeling when I think about the way when those hailstones fell from my face and hands, it sure was hard.

Summer, now that’s a different story. The beautiful mountain took on a different meaning for me, it was the most wonderful place to be, the scent of heather hung in the air and I felt sad for those people who lived in cities that would never experience the joy of this freedom and living. with nature in this way.

By all accounts, Dad was a local young man, not a saint either, he was engaged in all the mischief and mischief that small children do, simple things like picking apples from the orchards or playing pranks on the neighbors. One of the stories that I still find quite funny was a time when he and his older brother John, at dusk, tied a burning spruce bush behind a bicycle and sped past a neighbor on our very dark road. . The neighbor ran as fast as he could, entered another neighbor’s house and recanted that he had just met Satan on the street and asked for the priest to be called and to bless the area immediately. Good old honest good God fun.

Daddy’s early life

Dad worked hard from a young age, this meant getting up at six in the morning before going to school to help with the milking of the cows and other farm chores, a three-mile walk to school after that, where he got a basic education and then a three-mile hike back, backyard chores again, some study and bed. No TV, no electricity, no running water, just good storytelling that would scare you to the sky at times. Then you would fall asleep with one eye half open.

He intended to emigrate like almost all of his eight brothers and four sisters, but he loved Ireland and the Irish way very much. Then, in 1954, he met my dear mother Catherine Grehan. After a few years of dating, they were married on February 14, 1955 and over the years they blessed me with four brothers and ten sisters. My brothers are Martin, Aidan, John, Francis (RIP) and my sisters are Margaret, Ann, Claire, Gabrielle and Joan (RIP). Majella, Angela, Carmel, Frances, Mary. Many of us wear family crest rings that show family pride.

We have a sport in Ireland which is known as GAA Hurling, it is considered one of the fastest games in the world. The game is played with a Hurley stick, and the ball, when struck with full force, travels at a speed of one hundred and sixty kilometers per hour. Playing this game or watching other teams play was our hobby on Sundays and I treasure every moment I spent with my dad on these occasions. When I was very young I thought that he had invented the game because he knew a lot about it and knew many people involved. The culmination of the sporting year was when the final was played at Croke Park when family members from around the world would return and attend. For almost forty years I attended those games with my dad and I am so glad I did, as now that he has passed away, I sometimes dwell on those precious memories to lift my spirits when things get a little rough.

A little tip about dads

You do not always have to agree with what they say, but it does not hurt to listen because remember that if you are lucky enough to have a dad around for the amount of time I had, they will surely experience a lot, and a lot of what they have. Experienced can certainly be helpful when properly analyzed and used. Tolerance is a great attribute.

My dad went on to the next part of his journey on July 3, 2010, I miss him, I love him and I hope we meet again.

Today I am a dad with three sons, two daughters, two granddaughters and a grandson and I hope that one day you too will be a dad and have a passion for life and have great memories. Never be afraid to ask for forgiveness for mistakes that have been made and always have a sense of forgiveness, it is healthy and rewarding.

My dad was an elegant man and he loved to wear his tailored suits complemented by a nice piece of jewelry like his family crest or claddagh ring. He was a proud, considerate and humble man who would help anyone at any time. May he rest in peace.

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