Welcome to “The Media Generation”

Teenagers spend so much time watching TV and playing computer and video games that the Kaiser Family Foundation has called this generation “The Media Generation.”

The recent study found that children ages 8 to 18 watched TV, played video games, used their computers, and listened to music for a total of 6 hours and 23 minutes EVERY DAY! Many children were doing two or more activities at once. Most of this time is still spent watching television. The children spent almost four hours every day watching television. With so much time in front of television and other media, perhaps Kaiser should have labeled it “The Media Junkie Generation.”

What Excessive TV, Video Game, and Computer Use May Be Doing to You

The amount of time you spend in front of TV, video, and computer screens matters, as these activities have been linked to obesity, attention problems (such as ADHD), and poor grades. Violent content can condition you to accept violence in your life. The sexual content of many popular shows and games can encourage you to experiment before you are ready. Television can act as a depressant, stifle your creativity, encourage conformity, and simply waste your valuable time.

Find out if you are part of “The Media Addicted Generation”:

1. Does your family have more than one TV? Yes [] Do not []

2. Are you in front of a screen more than 2 hours a day? Yes [] Do not []

3. Do you sometimes have trouble watching TV or video games?

jingles “out of your head”? Yes [] Do not []

4. Is there a television/video game/computer playing on your

at home most of the time or all the time? Yes [] Do not []

5. Do you have a television, a video game and/or a computer in your

bedroom? Yes [] Do not []

6. Is it easy for you to turn off the TV/video game in the

through a favorite show/game? Yes [] Do not []

7. Do you ever run home, leaving friends and family, to

watch your favorite TV show, play video games, or go to the

computer? Yes [] Do not []

8. Do you often eat while you are in front of the television,

video games or computer? Yes [] Do not []

9. Have you ever caught yourself unintentionally imitating

A television or video game character? Yes [] Do not []

10. Do you talk and play with your friends more than you

watch TV, play games and play with computers? Yes [] Do not []

11. Can you turn off the TV, computer and video games?

right now and leave them out for three days? Yes [] Do not []

12. Do you ever mindlessly flip through TV channels or

The Internet? Yes [] Do not []

13. Do you need television, video games or a computer to relax after

A hard day? Yes [] Do not []

14. Do you feel nervous, anxious or “not okay” if there is no television,

video game, or a computer playing? Yes [] Do not []

15. Do you watch TV, play video games, and/or play on the

computer more than spending time with your family? Yes [] Do not []

16. Do you ever watch television, play video games, or surf

Internet longer than you intend? Yes [] Do not []

17. Do you feel that you spend too much time with television, video games,

or computer? Yes [] Do not []

18. Have you missed a special event with friends or family?

because you were watching a tv show? Yes [] Do not []

19. Have you ever tried to stop watching TV, playing videos

games, or go to the computer, but were unsuccessful? Yes [] Do not []

20. Do you have difficulty limiting the time you watch television,

play video games, or go to the computer? Yes [] Do not []

*Note: Time spent on the computer for homework does not count:

To calculate your score:

For all questions except #6, #10, and #11, award 1 point for each “Yes” answer and 0 points for each “No.” For questions #6, #10, and #11, give yourself 0 points for each “Yes” answer and 1 point for each “No.” Add up your total.

Your total: ____________


0-6: Great! Your TV, computer, and video games are not in control of your life. You are. But keep an eye on how much time you spend doing these activities to make sure an addiction doesn’t catch up with you.

7-14: Has a moderate addiction to television, video games, or the computer. Maybe all of them. The good news is that with a little effort, a list of fun off-screen activities, and a reasonable schedule, you can keep your addiction under control. The “NO TV System” also helps you create a schedule that keeps you busy with fun, goal-focused activities. Follow your dreams instead of looking at a screen..

15-20: Oh darling. You probably have a serious addiction problem. You may need to take extreme measures, like getting rid of your television or video games, to control your time. Start with the device that wastes the most time. The good news is that “The TV-FREE System” was designed to help even the most serious addicts, and can also be used for video game or computer addiction.

Life is too short to “see” it pass.

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