Your pursuit of your desires encourages you toward your own achievement. This propels you toward greater satisfaction in your life and sets a new plan for more positive experiences.

  • Do you have a strategy for staying healthy?
  • For staying passionate?
  • For living a part of your dream every day?
  • What do you think about this?
  • What would it look like if you left it?

We are taught not to be too selfish, not to be conceited or to think too much of ourselves. Women in particular are programmed to be tough on themselves and critical. They taught us that how you look is more important than what you think. You are taught to put the needs of others before your own.

Regardless of what you believe intellectually, it can be difficult to overcome these stereotypes and break with what is yours to do and feel good about it. Feel safe and determined. That said, it is an “inside job” that you must do yourself. When you are in pursuit of your desires, start by valuing yourself, your contributions, your visions, your goals, and your dreams.

Small perks in your pursuit of your desires make up the bigger picture of satisfaction. To build your future bold and courageous, and forward thinking. Create a vision board, write it down and / or take a photo and keep it in your wallet.

When you train a dog, you do it through a series of positive rewards. Over time, the dog learns that if he does this, he gets it. We use food and treats to create positive reinforcement.

Our mind works in much the same way as the dog in this case; repetition and positive reinforcement eventually create a result you want. You are creating positive experiences; you are “accumulating” them so that you can go further and further in the pursuit of your wishes for success.

In your pursuit of your wishes, act by doing this consistently and repeatedly. This creates new neural pathways, trains and retrains your brain to get more of what you want. By recalling positive experiences, you develop strategies to lead to greater satisfaction, to stay healthy, and to contribute to your being.

However, if in the pursuit of what you desire most, you begin to deny yourself fun or free time, and you constantly feel insecure, unsuccessful, unimportant, and insecure, you are living your life in a state of lack, hoping to May you one day have an experience that you do want.

Does this mean that you should work on your state and ignore what drives it? Not at all!

Focus on what you want

We often need to clean the dirt and see clearly and it is often surprising how easy it is to do when there is a guide. Really, when you stop to think about it, most things are easier when you have help, but you seem to think that when it comes to our personal changes, you should be able to do it alone. When you are pursuing your desires, yes, you can go it alone, but sometimes you lose perspective on yourself, without having the ability to be objective.

This is like a step-by-step window cleaning process – think of it as the window to your soul, or your inner longings, and it can be a profound journey, possibly the most important you will ever go through. Once you begin to see clearly, you will now have the “what” identified in many areas of your life.

For some, it’s like peeling the layers off the onion, becoming more revealing and less messy as you peel it. For others, it is like cleaning the dirty window of their mental vision. Suddenly, daylight streamed in, illuminating everything that was there, but asleep, invisible. For some, the process is very fast, for others it is slower. Either way, it is always an exciting process that has a positive outcome.

Learn to discern what is right for you – know or be clear about what you want and then get out of the way as this makes for a rewarding life. – a life of purpose, passion and clarity.

In your pursuit of your desires, these are simple questions, but they can give you a real idea of ​​where you are resisting and where you are open. Often times, the ideas you have originate from our growing years. Even if you have radically changed, you still have the ideas and beliefs of your family of origin somewhere in our hearts or minds.

It is good to occasionally illuminate your beliefs and see if they still serve you. It is helpful to separate what comes from your head and what comes from your heart.

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