The usual sweet things to say to your girlfriend no longer have that oomph.

Nowadays, the simple “I love you” is not enough to show how much you really care about the person you love. These are already mere words that are continually abused by many.

Guys can be pretty good at sweet talk, but the typical sweet things to say to your girlfriend would result in more “hits” if they come with some embellishment (and sincerity, of course).

On the other hand, girls are quite reserved when they talk about things like “I love you”. For most, “I love you” are sacred words that should only be said to the person who really deserves them.

This is quite a challenge for men. You need to think of new things or new words to say that would make women fall madly and deeply in love with you. But you don’t need to spend a lot to get noticed by the woman you’re interested in.

Below are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend that might come in handy. They may sound a bit old hat; but why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose, anyway.

1) “You look really beautiful.”

Try to appreciate your girlfriend’s appearance. Women really love it when their boyfriends praise them. They do many things to make themselves attractive to their man. Unfortunately, some men neglect this effort made by women.

2) “You are my life. Losing you would mean the end of me.”

This shows that she is the most important person in your life and losing her would mean losing everything.

Women like to know how important she is in your life than football and your friends. This is probably one of the strongest on the list of sweet things to say to your girlfriend.

3) “You are my answered prayer.”

It is always good to know that someone has been longing and praying for you. The girls like to hear that they included prayers and God in their words.

This shows that you are serious with her because you are already putting God as your witness. And if you don’t mean it, it would be blasphemous of you to do so.

4) “I’d rather be the hurt one than you.”

This is without a doubt one of the best things to say to someone. You need to show him that you are willing to give up everything, even carrying the load just to ease his pain. This is pretty heroic; but it actually works!

These are just some of the sweet things to say to your girlfriend and touch her heart even deeper. Think about them and see when and where you can apply them to your relationship. These would definitely help keep the fire burning between you and your girlfriend.

You may be surprised to know that even though women tend to be more sophisticated these days, simplicity is still the key to making them happy. You have to learn to listen and respond by saying the right sweet things to say to your girlfriend. Some of the more common lines that will work for several years include “You look beautiful,” “Thank you,” and “I care.”

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