When you first get your puppy, you will notice
who has the instinct to bite and chew the most
everything. This is natural. This is where
you enter. You will need to establish guidelines on
what is acceptable to chew and gnaw and what
It is not. You will have to be firm here. Puppies
milk teeth are very sharp and larger breeds
when they grow up they may have a crushing bone bite
and it can cause serious injury to people.

You will find that even a calm and docile dog can
excited when housing and rough play. If you
will let you chew and bite yourself with your teeth
you will find that this can progress to a painful bite
in moments. If your puppy bites you, you will
I have to say “NO!” If it continues, repeat the
order and use force to make him resign holding
him by the neck.

Do not do anything to distract him
will dissociate his bite with the “NO”
command. If you keep your mouth shut, you will
frustrate him and he will lose connection
between the pinch and your command as you try
To break free from your grip If he follows you
they are better off grabbing him by the neck and
shaking it. After that, if he doesn’t give up, you can
Put it in its box and give it a time out.

This is a very effective form of punishment. Them
you won’t end up hating your box. And you
remember when you were a kid and they sent you
bedroom. I’m sure you didn’t end up hating your room.
If your dog understands the connection between his
misbehaving and your punishment he will accept his
discipline. Make sure you understand why you are
being punished so he knows how to avoid your
discipline for your misdemeanor in the future.

Make sure you are clear about what you are
admonish him for. He must understand that you
I have disciplined him three times and that he
continued his mischief and now you will leave your
play with him. Correct your puppy fairly and
He will continue to love and respect you. Healthy
And beloved puppies won’t hate you for
take your leadership role to teach and train

In your training you will not use his box
as a study or bedroom. You will use it as
method of correction and as a method of prevention
in training your dog’s problems. The box will be
your home or domain within your home. Using your
box as punishment for him will teach him that
You cannot behave in certain ways at home.
On the other hand, your box is your home and you
you will leave it alone when you are at home. This
it will be your domain when you want peace and rest
and get away from everyone.

You will want to keep your door open in your box.
and keep your home accessible to him. Keep him
clean and wash and make sure your
no accumulation of hair in the box. When you clean
at home, make sure you put away their toys
in its box. This will help you understand and
make the connection that this is your house and
who has his house. This will give you a
positive message about owning your own home and
it will make you feel special.

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