Splenda is a calorie-free sugar alternative in those little yellow packets that has been manufactured since the 1990s. Splenda is made from a chemical process that is created from the chlorination of regular sugar. Splenda is a sugar that has been chemically adapted. Splenda has enjoyed a huge surge in popularity, with many dieters and diabetics finding that it has less of an aftertaste than any other artificial sweetener.

Between 2000 and 2004, the number of US households using Splenda increased from 3 percent to 20 percent. Splenda sales topped $177 million in a recent year during which there were just $62 million in sales for the aspartame-based sweetener Equal and $52 million in sales for the saccharin-based Sweet ‘N Low.

The company that makes Splenda, McNeil Nutritionals, says that Splenda has passed some of the most stringent food trials on record for any food additive. McNeil says that there have been more than 100 such studies on Splenda. Most of these studies have involved animals, which calls into question the safety report for humans.

The subject of concern about the safety of Splenda is its possible toxicity in the body. Our foods today are loaded with artificial ingredients and chemical enhancers. Toxicity in the body leads to illness, disease, premature aging, weight gain, malnutrition, and even mental health issues. Splenda is, in fact, a man-made product. The degree to which it acts as a toxin or poison in the body has yet to be determined. The probable truth is that it produces a certain amount of toxicity, the severity of which will vary from person to person. The accumulation of toxins in the body is a very real part of life on planet earth in the 21st century. Most people would benefit from learning what is and what is not toxic to the body and making an effort to reduce or eliminate their exposure to toxins and periodically performing a body cleansing detox program.

Is Splenda REALLY sugar?

The chemical name for the Splenda molecule is sucralose. Although sucralose begins as a sugar molecule, it is the process by which it is produced that is of concern. Sucralose is a purely synthetic chemical that is produced in a proprietary five-step process. During this process, three chlorine molecules are added to one simple sugar molecule. The initial natural sugar molecule is a disaccharide made up of two individual sugars linked together; fructose and glucose.

The chemical process to make sucralose changes the chemical composition of the sugar so much that it becomes a molecule not normally found in nature. Because this man-made molecule does not occur naturally, the body does not know how to process it. According to the makers of Splenda, this is why Splenda is calorie neutral: it is not metabolized or digested in the body. Splenda simply works its way through the digestive track without depositing calories.

However, this is misleading, as Splenda’s zero calorie status would only apply if the body had the ability to metabolize it. More concerning, the fact that Splenda is an artificial ingredient raises questions about its safety, especially if used in excessive amounts over a long period of time. There is the additional problem of insulin reaction. While research reports are still inconclusive, the medical community widely speculates that Splenda triggers a spike in insulin levels that, whether or not there are calories, will signal the body to retain fat stores or even store fat. more fat.

A research finding overturns the notion that Splenda is not absorbed by the body. In this study (conducted in humans), one in eight participants did not eliminate sucralose after three days of ingesting Splenda. Another study (performed on animals) found that 15% of ingested sucralose is absorbed in the digestive system and then stored in the body.

Splenda under the microscope

Medical and nutritional researchers have studied Splenda and make these observations:

  • Splenda is a chlorocarbon, which has a history of causing organ damage, genetic mutations and reproductive problems.
  • Splenda can damage the thymus gland, which plays an essential role in the healthy function of the immune system.
  • Splenda can create inflammation of the liver and kidney stones or calcification of the kidneys.
  • The studies promoted by the makers of Splenda only report selected results and do not paint an accurate picture of Splenda’s true impact on health.
  • The chlorine used in the Splenda production process is carcinogenic, according to the OSHA Hazardous Waste Manual.
  • Sucralose is not as dangerous as aspartame. If you had to choose between the two, choose Splenda. Saccharin is the only artificial sweetener that is acceptable in any way. But it is best to use a natural form of sweetener.
  • The added sweetness of sucralose (Splenda is rumored to be 600 times sweeter than sugar) only creates a further addictiveness to the taste of sweetness.
  • Unless digestion is hindered, whatever food or substance you eat will be absorbed. If we feed the body with a totally indigestible material (such as margarine), it will travel through the body undigested, if it does not bind to the gallbladder. If Splenda really is indigestible, that’s a bigger problem than the question of assimilation.
  • The only benefit of using Splenda is the profits made by the manufacturer.

Splenda Reaction Symptoms

  • Welts, blisters, or other skin irritation
  • rash
  • allergic response
  • Itch
  • Swelling
  • swelling
  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • tremors
  • Nausea
  • abdominal cramps
  • Depression
  • forgot
  • humor changes
  • Anxiety
  • Lack of concentration
  • daze
  • feelings of panic

How to detect if Splenda is harming you

The best way to determine if sucralose is affecting your health is to take this simple test. First, eliminate sucralose completely from your diet for a period of two weeks (this goes for all other artificial sweeteners). After two weeks, eat three to five servings of Splenda for up to three days. Do not take any other variety of artificial sweetener during this time. Pay close attention to how your body responds. If you notice any of the symptoms listed above, there is reason to believe that you have an intolerance to sucralose. If you have strong reactions, especially on the first day, this is a very strong sign that Splenda is having an adverse effect on your body. You’ll do well to avoid Splenda altogether, and you’ll benefit from a body detox program. This self test can be done with any of the artificial sweeteners.

Regardless of any Splenda reactions you may experience, it’s a good idea to sweeten your food with healthy, natural sweeteners. There are many healthy sweeteners to choose from, some of which you may never have heard of, and most of which will not produce any toxicity or digestive side effects for you.

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