Saltwater pools can harm your surroundings, your pool equipment, and your skin, not to mention your overall health. Because the chemicals used to treat saltwater pools, namely chlorine, can be harmful to your health, it would be a good idea to explore other options available to you.

Splashing water from saltwater pools can kill any vegetation near the pool, as the chemicals will splash with the water. Those harsh chemicals can do terrible things to your pool equipment and also to any décor you may have near the pool. Decorative rock formations near saltwater pools have been known to deteriorate and break down due to the abrasive chlorine and salt chemicals used to treat saltwater pools.

Saltwater pools and the chemicals they use to clean the water can cause a dry feeling on the skin and irritate the eyes, making them red and puffy. Chlorine in saltwater pools can cause a change in your hair color and can discolor your bathing suit. The vibrant colors of your bright orange or bright pink swim attraction will not remain vibrant with prolonged use in saltwater pools.

Chlorine, which is used to treat saltwater swimming pools, has been linked to possible asthma incidents. Breathing chlorine vapors into the lungs is dangerous and can be painful. Studies involving chlorine have also linked it to bladder and rectal cancers, as well as heart disease.

There are more natural cleaning systems out there so you don’t have to rely on harsh chemicals like salt and chlorine in saltwater pools. An ionic water purification system that uses copper ions and includes a natural oxygen oxidation process is one such method that cleanses your pool water. Water that is naturally cleaned by such a purification process is sparkling and stays clean for a longer period of time, regardless of how many bathers use your pool.

Chlorinated saltwater pools are subject to temperature changes, sun exposure and rain, and the more bathers there are in the pool, the less time it stays clean. You have to constantly adjust the pH level in your pool water for salt and chlorine to be effective. Chlorine can also produce an odor that is not natural to a swimming pool.

Just as saltwater pools are not safe for you, your children, family and friends, they are also not safe for family pets. You don’t want to expose your pets to the harsh chemicals in saltwater pools by allowing them into the water. Young children and pets are more likely to receive a higher dose of toxins sooner because their bodies, and therefore their physical systems, are smaller.

If you take a sip of chemically treated pool water, it won’t taste good, and the ingredients that go directly to your body’s cells and tissues won’t be healthy. If you choose an ionic purification system with copper ions, it won’t taste as bad, and if you drank two gallons of water, the total amount of copper you would ingest would be relative to what’s in a vitamin supplement.

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