FOR lead is a vocation that many do not have despite being learned, and it is believed that it is an innate ability that cannot be learned, but that the human being is born with it.

For one to be a good leader, one must be guided by honesty, fairness and justice, loyalty, respect, being human, team building, courage and value consciousness and not violating work ethics.

Ethical leaders around the world have the same rare traits that rely on conscience to appreciate accurate ideas.

In other words, although they may have a colossal task to clearly articulate the ethical leadership poster, they care and do things that appeal to both ordinary people and professionals all the time to ensure value addition.

Ethical leaders are motivated by fairness and justice not only in the implementation and execution of their duties, but also in dealing with other employees.

When it comes to an issue, they cut you off from an individual to avoid favoritism, but to enhance equality. Bias that may be caused by gender, ethnicity, and nationality is avoided at all costs at all times.

Ethical leaders respect others and thrive on teamwork by listening carefully to their co-workers.

Leaders who are ethical value their contributions as well as those of their co-workers, are compassionate, generous and critical in their analysis asking what if it doesn’t work.

Honesty and loyalty are also receipts of ethical leadership. Ethical leadership conveys facts no matter how bizarre to ensure transparency and trustworthiness.

Ethical leaders in their decisions and in their dealings with others are human, and they put the magnitude in kindness, not in greed and do things for the benefit of all team members.

The sense of togetherness, camaraderie and community, as well as teamwork, is fostered both within an organization and among employees. Ethical leaders are more interested in achieving teamwork and organizational goals.

They always strive for goals that benefit the entire organization, not just one person, and they don’t celebrate the suffering of others.

Decisions are reviewed, verified, and critiqued as a team to ensure they meet the organization’s mission, values, and goals. Only decisions that add value to an organization are implemented.

Employees enjoy the benign environment displayed and thrive to prosper as they are rewarded for initiating innovative ideas and improving their work standards.

Employees are praised from the start and motivated to do their best all the time.

Ethical leaders walk the talk and their expectations, which are applicable at the individual level. The ethical leader takes the lead and is prepared to take the blame if things don’t work out the way they should.

Ethical leaders communicate openly and effectively about the high values ​​and expectations they expect of employees.

Constant communication and discussions ensure a constant understanding of the organization’s values ​​and goals.

Ethical leaders are guided by the code of conduct, corporate code to ensure good governance, transparency, honesty and make employees responsible and accountable for their actions without being ruthless.

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